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IP01 'S 1 4 a 1 41 41 I ql lk Al tin At iw -41 --ft 1 6d SORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM II MONDAY MAY 8 1978 110 rrortonts uroishoo Rooms or Lor 9or S31 Guns VA Apartments Fur I 2 3 Rooms S12 TV Radio HI-Fl 572 Fixtures 510 Sewing Machines 506 Household a App SOI House 4tokt I App Si Muiical Instruments 502 Building Materials SPECIAL Merl Dooft DOOM $100 ita In gyprock 4ts341 DelCle bodr 4 panellnq hew corrtogAted ir011 II 1t $21t Teague Lumber Co 2501 White Settlement Rd 1321143 11104ITE 735 rooting VS 45 wood Mend 73S $15 rt corrugated iron 13 4S 0 41 corrugated Iron 17 5 gal white paint 5 00 17 z17 St droned SIdIng 35 stuccato no 2 45 tat wood Oanehr10 al la Britt Lumber 6241714 Cash and You Carry Car ner 400 Long at Grove Storage Buildings git-V 11 ic)(( 6 lt: '14s sxtc 10)06 s4 0XI7 543S 32 70 Milos Free DellYerr FOrtable Bldgs Co 10301 Freeway 793-04411 RCA video recorder siort 76 or take at) Payments cell 5-36-113111 after -K Penney AM-FM 1 track tape retarder and phonogroort $tall 1747 QUASAR 7Sin calor Forty AMPf 'tan console $790 7326114 402 White Settlement Rd WAN't ED let ftletitl COW IV WO? ing Of naiveark 132 sr QUICK cash tor non-working trudelcolor TVs 244-6887 GOOD working color TVs 71 in ISO 2S in II1S 6240SIS TVs SI Sup We buy deadsets TV Center 1530 Allen2611169 I month stereo console and 2 sprake j2 SO 297 49 halt sire acoustic base Saiesrnansample WS 241-5981 TV SERVICE CALLS to to PM11311-0011 TV SERVICE CAI IS 10 PM 11311d011 Numerous stereo equirneritsell it I bargain t21-40S ZS inch RCA color Console excel lent cond ion11 TS2132 779s New Sony TC 56 cassette recoh der 4100 204343 TOP cash for in working color TVs 921-3201 292-323 19 IN color portable TV like reVd4 1115927-5201 25 IN Zenith color TV solid state like rwer $29S92742121 is in color TV perfect condi tiOn 112S 921701 NEED cash console color TV like nese $27 4981384 Robert Kent Warehouse Sole? lenithcolor TVS99 95132 0091 le In color Console TV set 293-1791 Panasonic video recorder excel834-5441 Like new RCA ir blatk end white $110 926119S1 ROSE 901 with stands-half price Art Intosch 2100 amp 4518931 A pair of Bose 901 Sansul amps and Technic cassette 293-837 2 MUST sell 23 In Zenith conSole color TV $1351464119 GE color console s160 1325rit 514 Air Cottditioning 4 Healing PRE-SEASON SALE on room eir condotioners Eadder Fnedricri Frudidaire hive u0 to AO Limited Pena Pat Crow Au dhance Co 426 Henderson 336-74SS SAM'S PRE-SEASON air omen tioner Sale! All reduced Friedrich Frigideire Buy now and save! Easy terms Sans's Appliances 1900 Rose clam 5555 Belknap GOOD solertion of reconditioned air conditioners 110 end 270 volt most guaranteed Easy terms as low as $99 SAM'S APPL1 ANCES 1900 Rosedale REPOSSESSED 3 ton mobile home central air condoner 36000 BTU ABBY APPLIi ANCES 4854 White Settlement Rd Frigidaire window air condition er 18000 BTU 10 years oid ex when shape 9150 1915804 Two air conditioners $85 tor brith good worliiNg Order but reeds Ireon44I 9745 CLOSE out prices on Essick cool er pads and parlsCummins Supi pit company 215 Grove 3 rvionth 1977 Amana 18 btu air Conditioner call 675-0134 alter 30pos and weekend SEARS central ic gas furnace new 55000 BIU thermostat i Wed SIT Art 46029 ta Ogg BTU Sears Eoldcnot 3 ars old Excellent Condition S2S0 FRIEDRICH Air Conditioner Save $70 Robert Kent 9211971 nogg PTU window unit excel tent $300 337 -WS 270 air conditioner been used par $2700 2613206 12 OM btu I year old GE air con ditioner )100 7711-5176 ett 000 btu mobil horne self con 1811Ki Sell 2912009 la 7(0 btu Sears Egidscot WO 2 0 S609 7C 000 eTU Sidra I pear old e8S-1344 515 Solar Sa los-SorvIco-Equip EASY to install tow Cost Solar System S36-4S22 516 Lawnmowers Sales Service von rotarythin 141 with bags Jain Lawn Soy 712-4934 JOHN Deere 12 hp gardentracter with 47 in mower11100 222364 517 Gordon Tools For sale le HP Wards garden tractor electric slant lights flcIdfflQ mower breaking plow disc wheel weights col hyalite exceptionally good Con 831-0161 WATFP WELL casing Cheap 3tS41411 5111 Musocal instrumints HEADQUARTERS PON pia Nos ORGANS NEW AND USED OVER IC IN STOCK Complete section of Sonets Grands consoles player pianoS grgir te pianos Sun organs cPgans large organs ma- tor braoirsch Hammond Lowrey aural Grande arta ott ers Below are some Of the good buys available Practice (570 down) Smail pones SOS Sb9S New conole piano eS up Fon organs (leswns) 90 up Kimball organ SfOS Lowrey Genie 51 795 Hammond organ (hew) be t5 Kawat gnner organ ts5 New grand oano tall sireS fly other bargalns We taast trades Fast financo ng fret de- livery to Irl) mops Conse to MIDTOWN PIANO-ORGAN Haltom Rd 1147411 Oxner Belknap Haltom Rd JUST ARRIVED! HAMMOND ORGAN Introlot tory salaam the full tins of the new Hammond organs Hear the latest ton features and the tone that ma HanIMOnd farmus at FORT WORTH NEWEST AUTHORiZED DEALER WM early for good Selection 'raises welcome MCBRATE I PIANO-ORGAN S27 Lancaster NEW PIANO SALE! Largo stork of new console and grand pianos frorn $795 names lire Kagral Grande Horocleil Kobier A Campbell and Story A Low monthly terms to fit any budget Free tonong and drf'C' 'WAVER PIANO-ORGAN 571 Lancaster 451-4S4Q STUDENT PIANO SALE! Good Wie(11011 of fine beginner po4noS from 1191 to 1693 PayMentS as low as 5II50 a month inr ludo- tunong end delivery MCBRAVER PIANCIORGAN Sra Lancaster 014500 For sale antique Grand piano tills Century 71ohn Broadvrood "Short Grand model Cowed qualify Rosewood on Oak Res toralion in Holland by Clot valtiabfq Papers inciuded 2S4 Ouse BALDWIN PIANO ORGAN SALE New and used Acrosonec the best ml on4y 1419SOrgansonn fun machine 5945 need commie 1110 LUEE WICKMAN'S 3421 Camp Bowie 32131" NEW rand from $1300 OP Yamaha onsofes VMS practice pan $490 up Kimball swinswr Console organs SIVVS LUKE WICKMAN'S 3f2aCarrip bowie 337137S PRACTICE PIANOS Compote selertion Only 111 dmen114 month FrPedeliUtry Wrung PR MIDTOWN PIANO 7110 Haltom Rd 134-1411 STFINWAY ti I in Grand piano walnut finish 1g76 $d9S itiOU0 under toren1 riled) Per-fed condotoon 241164 even V4 4n94 WE BUY PIANOS AND ON Fast cash paid 1134-7111 la LES PAUL standard "ON rovers and hard inell CAM MOO hI toa2 WE UV PIANOVORGAWS Prunwl appraw1S (Awl) 41 4500 AtcoustK ISO gUlia AMP175 watts music I Orearn $3014 Atter 4 737 So94 1944tet 211 tiering Se if nIIF WO 5 3 re449 693 ooA tot WO 061 Mason a Hondo too coodLion hsovng sikrifice 13433 ET 973 7616 PRACTICE PiANOS In goodcoodoon moos' og TaL9 Vole 5347790 LUCIWIC drums Poestotrobool Mt11 rows acolient condLoo gio-0113 FIEAUTI nd rart Raumord (wood pilot) lent conMflool $VS0 74 I 2IS DRUMS FOR SALE 9004mo91- ton gISO brst otter Cod DJ 34O9 CaSO only ARP indSUPY IrthOSfte gutar wato coo tos 167 -0M1 Or 212 3TAL NEW 1978 OPEN ARMS tdvt cm Sews tort eleelePS and pant legs easily have autornalic bob ten winder budonholes tip tag enlbrai der iS WWI stretch all wallop' attachments Fully guar Wood Non only WS OSWORLD cash or monthly payment WIDE S070 CAMP BOWi OA SCRATCHED IN SHIPMENT 3NEW cliehnto NO 1119 geWing Machines Makes bultqnrinies blind hems overussi 90 FANCY ATITCNEt no tiarernnte required FULLY GUARANTEED NationMy advertised ANK) NOW Si (esti or terms avail Ihie WORLD WIDES029CAPAP 73845311 '78 Demortstrator TN 191 Or Arm sewing ma chine has drop bed plate for Seer' ing knees pant legs sleeves tufts and you can olio maip but fennel's stretch stitches fancy designs blind hems overcast seer on buttons plus much more Clearance from $19 9S rash or terms Call for tree home triat SINGER Singer with finoer tip selectors or buttonholes hemming pm broidenes and Overcast week Only at this very special price $49 95 Call for tree home trial Cash or El terms available WATSON'S camp sawa sawing 3K7 Camp Bowie 132-1011 Mon thru Fri" 10 7 Sat 1'1 5 REWARD In en eflort to test the effective nesse thisadvertisina media we a Singer 'ouch and for Sag also the fabulous neve lectra Xy)0 Open Arm space age sewing with solid slate elec tronic control with this ad only $te Without this ad Se00 Princo pies only One machine per fami Quantity limited Offer subject to termination without notice WORLD WIDE $029 CAMP BOWIE 7104539 Graduation Specials Elna In dCit Viking tnewrIl model r9vr Necchi Free Arm 'zit 95 lectra 3000 199 95 Touch and Sew S79 New Horne lig tag 1S9 95 ift's to choice from new used repossessions Hurry for best buy WORLD WIDE 5019 CAMP BOWIE7184539 A WATER DAMAGED SEWING MACHINE SALE Our loss your gain water pipe broke and our store ma or items only bon damaged All retlkKed up to 10 percent Example sewing machine cabinet 15 Sewing machine 119 WORLD WIDE SEWING 2737 DIVISION ARLINGtON 2750615 DRESSMAKER In beautiful walnut console DR zags buttonholes overc ast sews On buttons monograms etc Originaliy sold 1219 95 now oniy 191 WOR1D WIDE Sta9 CAMP BOWIE 738-9539 Commercial SlAgrf machine Complete! VW 469 99fIZ FAST sewing machine service and rypair makes293-4513 Sit (6Amateur Communications CB RADIO Way Radio Sale 112 Riverside SJ4fll CB Radio Shop LUTTRELL 34RAT SALES TAJO 28th 624 31 0 NEW 52 ft crank up end bit over tower watt raising fixture 5195 196 1828 512 TV Radio MI-Fi ASSUME PAYME NTS MARANTZ Oneonly powerful Marantz stet eo receivers dri AM-FM multi Su rauteerlovVith 12 tcril tr770 01 entli turntables with cue and Dose base dust cover and cartrde included Priced separately 5659 80 10 coin 5299 cash or as sume low monthly PaYments WORLD WIDE 5029 CAMP 8 65 39 38 6539 A Water Damaged STEREO SALE Pipes burst in warehouse slight baler damage to CarionS Only Our 10S your an all wund Sys terra redo edlo St4 percent and ore Evaple: owertul Pioneer receiver plus AM-FAA and autonatiC laPe player 1629 $4nyo Omega WOntD WiDt STFPEO 22J7 Dovision inspOn 2S2611 BEAT THIS PANASONIC 4 huge sounding walnut grain Speakers AMFM stereo recely Cr 8 tract tape player and recor der lacks Deluxe Garrard tomb able used short time Now only $79 cash or S8 71 monthly WORLD WIDE S079 CAMP BOSSiE 738-6339 BEST BUY PIONEER Pnwerful Pit)Oftr receiver has AM stereo huge soundrig walnut grain speakers dual turntable inputs and deluxe track tope-Player Sold for Much MVO) more Now only $99 cash or Terms WORLD WIDE $029 CAMP BOWIE 1386339 ASSUME PAYMENTS PIONE 14F ISNE RSONY livrnacuiale Pioneer AM-FM rec vver Sony reel to reel tape recorder Garrard turnt able Fisher 4 speaker systems walnut cabinets Originaiiy sold over S'300 assume payments of 88 or S750 WORLD WIDE YEAH) 2237 DIVISION RLINGTON 2757811 RENT COLOR 'Ns New portabies consoles Nome entertainment centers Al styles Of stereos Deliv6Ly 660 Service included TV Stereo Rental 1021 PAiln 3312076 WE RENT TVs stereos refrideratorS washers and dryers ranges and freezers atf conadmrsers ARCO RENTAL 306 Berry 9213526 FREE Personable portable 'TVs with purchase of new home brand 25in console get both tor no money down PayrnentSS3weik ly WALT V263 3751 SAVE NOW' Zenith and RCA color TVs 139 savings ace terms Losaest prices Fastest delivery Buy with confldence Sam Appisances 1900 Rosedale 5555 Belknap GRAND opening Repair TVS 30 percent off on labor 25 percent Off on parts Wayne Electronics 3505 Garwood Dr 131-334 anytime day orrupt REPOSSESSED 60 in panisti style stereo deluxe unit Yave up payments ABBY APPLI NEES 4834 White Settlement Rd KENWOOD 1600 SO watts per channel 2 Sanca S4Pakers Iwo 12 In woofers one I 10 horn 2 Piero tweeters11000 or best oer tt RCA (Oar TV 150922-6319 19in rat 1479 95 19i1 entlh port UHF 14995 Van CA Color pori4ble5 49 95 len IRCA color portable 54995 4454 Hemphill 923aS11 WATKINS TV RENTAL kenticretly Colo Tv 5 and Stereos No Credit ChocKs792 GOOD used color YVs-appll laces Noy guaranteed Hurst TV and ApfltanceS 101 PipeItne2112 IMI GOOD used color TVs and molt-Imes guaranteed AA Happy urnoure and Appliancitt MIA Belknap AUTO SOUND AM-FM Cassette Or AM FM trick irselads stereo $ta 95 to) Berry 921 2659 SPEAKS RS11 Beautiful brown Natter FR tO5 sterm robot sound 1I5 pair 429-02a9 Stereo system Terhf9g(11 rP(IV er 4 Altex speakers 6 MS old cast $1150 ne make Otter between 12 and EXCELLENT Stereo with music Itbrary too numerate to lad mil trade tbe car or matorcicle Of Mast watue19002463951 USED COLON TV'S Alf wed an or ices 90 day Warrant Metro TV 50S4 Coati tiA) 21152)1 Ty house calls 19 95 mat this 84- Used TV Sale and TV Servtra 112 Rtvervide GrI134 2161 Steel cabse 5 22 Inch guy wire cable co ft 05 cents THLif4tEPB112034la PAain TV RENTAL OPTIONS IX per month Morels TV III SerninaryGr 9215417 23 tn repossessed color TV Spero ish Early Arnertran Mooern cabinet per woe mom as recording equipment Sam' sellso out PA anointment 11134-40Un COMPbursolltratta Dr vt Johns 011 Gun Stars 10S South Moat lot Vickory) Will buy usad gum bop cash taobla Firiarms IMO Brach GUN rapair-eluoingplating Traylor Gun Sarmatiana) NEW An COLT IS $291 Call 45119 wwbstster Model SO 70 purVS 4SS186 332 Sporting Goods dittos Toys NEW 'Active's aluminum scuba tank with regulator fins mask snorkel asking 127S DOT cur rent hydra slat-1113 Will negotiable After OK 26f ta50 GOLF CARS Now used end rebuilt golf cart Aisonew and USOd batten's tire and parts Repair all makes golf carkSAS POOL IASI MFG Clearance sale St700 value slate nerd wood antique style $59S Free cietivery 7S4-3S12 TRAMPOLINES POR SALE Repair and replacement parts for most all trampolines 11141310 Metro Seb7794 FOrsale K2 Wintertleals litS cm Soloman 404 bindings Size 10 Nordics boots and 7 poles 92e 4359 between 35 pm IS model golf cant lop and MKT Good conditicet WO POOL TABLE standard Sill rliritodn 1391 2-Atuki bikes perfect conditicm Cost over $300 new will sacrifice for 1150 2673814 NEED A GOLF CAR? See the golf or people et Ross Products Inc Soles service 214438 5155 POOL TABLE goodcondition SO years ol $1400 Weekdays after 9242333 WALTON eserCise equipment for $ale up 21114854 or 283 341 10 speed VIVA bicycle 00 or best otter Call 283469 Cash cmly TRAMPOLINES FOR SALE 13473711 metro $692391 ft pool table honeycomb Sur face119S '81-11636 atter Oa 3 PC Slott pool INA $600 268-1113 al-4230 GOLF clubs men's and ladT'S mca sets S36-0261 Olympic trampoline new mat 1175146-4138 evenings gicycle built for Scriwin deluxe excelleit885 737-5e72 Swimming pool dome for year round sviimmins1325 534:5 'FA Canoe rods reels tackle Colt 357 and accessories 1373598 keens and ladoeS set golf OM aisd bag attert I pair good trice skiS 875 268 PFGULATION site pool table p9S ISI-4384 533 Stamps Coins CAUSE Y'S INC Wants Cot large or small Coing of all kinds gold Wee: etc An LuarztoLizeipay ca ti Opt Buying coins silver gold coins goidleweiry Call Ken SA-3256 534 Will Trade kr011 carpentry work for gcod work car Remodel rePoir or ground up experienced refer ences534-7163 2 Health mernhershloS make Offer or Otto light plant for Browning overuncler shotgun 62O-SS97 536 Clothes Sewing Oyster dyed sheared musk rM flank lac ket with mrn collar sue t2 like new 4 dd Call after prn 276-2124 540 Garaq Sales HOUSEHOLD Sait-Englosn tea caddy China cabonet solver luster lea set SI poecesoriental Silver With COVin0 piec IL lamps AVOti 00ii antique Jewelry Bye Lodollothersmosceloaneous2lass solver4513532 SALE StartS 0 a Thurs May 401 thro Son Bicycles rods and glassware wants a nd miscellanedos 3101 Eastrichite Haltom Colt Patio sale dishes and moves neous items oncludong indoor shutters Schwirsro bicycle cur tains 301 Glenda Ave Haltom CaAN-2115 Mowlrog and gerage sale 'fflodueS furniture glassware tools stack Nmeceses much IT 909 Grego Bedford MOVING Sale 1170 Arnold Hwy 1St Registered blond Pekingese VS white patto cover IDS atid 7727 PARGAINS I2 Sundown Dr IN HMS SallSun IternssclIOD Washer dryer furnittet cioth etC 3412 Bellaire Cir S42 Ptoto Equipment antroda camera complete biar a and white darlt room Hos Slef nlarger prtnt drrercims cad many extras Otter CANNON Vt 211 50 20Ornrn ienscase oil perfect Metro 21114r20 evenings Passelbtad SOO cm bOmm A 12 mo A I mOtt nit SO WC 024- (Dellacl Model 2 SX 70 electronic flash 171 217-2631 Canon AE1 71-260 room carry ale Perfect 544 Jewelry Stones ANTIQUE JEWEIRYCoral ring necklace 1902 American Bea Jty Cameo bracelet Tr breceiet ear ix PwS ringoiner items 41 9151 OUT of pawn bargains in OIA monds We buy Sellllede PnrICO Jewelers SOI Main 332 3Y3 WEN'S diamond ring 2 carat tlyster will sacrifice at 21129 fkrt21 41111 WANTED pocket watchas dead or allsra323-5622 New mrtr Callum jewelry 1974131 600 Rentals 601 Rooms for Rent Furrusnett room for rent on Chris-ban home on Hurst $19) month advanc NO oeposol bolls pand wII living wroth singe male owner 32 years oet 73Ia T413 266 01Si WEEKLY rooms available soma with refrigerators and cooking lex Cafe lounge beim TV free local calls IM and lap WIPS1Prit Hills Motel Mil Camp boww blvd YMCA Single room maid and linen service use of ply wet facilities Downtown 182S week S12 Lamar St 332- 281 LOVELY Bedford home has room for can rnetwa man ure tit bee- r265 Nice clean unattached bedroom 12 week 927-0313 Oraat roommalamiOcitisk 109P 841 VO-14011214 SOUTHSIDE $weIeme t23-ke01 NE Nnent central air mature ctay worker 2e44309 602 Room Board Room and board bad per week S210 per month priv4t bed room good rood beaulltul berk yrd Must be employed must love dogs Avp liable June 1 Can be gloom MAI beep this ad SJA 11 too0 Slvie goDd tants V24-9113 )(Kt Hemphill ii keep elaerle lady bat mesh 114 latrised 124-612 SENIOR (Nireet Foster Nome tientwooli 34 9 303 Prralturn- OAKWOOD CREST APIS Clean end well Ithrostred I bed room apt Nulty Wool air and heat ll elottrec carpet Orope woikto csmot pool etc All bolo pact No no Or ootot SS" woerty Adults only letess near p-f-vd 2S3-1341 HAYSTACK All adult I arid bedrooms furnished and unfurnished swimming pool muscatel dub 0 CO30301 thild Shenandoah Rd pa POI Poly and Diamond Hill 3 rooms Ona both choldre0 bdIS Bard Nor Inside large balance couple or $1111e or I well Ovid bine paid Meat rzLiontrlit rates ALTAMESA FAST APIS I and I boar own ante rgerinsornd oq unttNnithOd FO't Sill ()Milian pcd roc Aitatentsa Bind 3900 WEST 7TH $led 4ord3 ROUND Ranch Oak dining taNe 2 4 side and 2 cantalni Chairleaves S3130IS RED velvet sofa loveseal and S2matching lamps 73141 tter NICE Kenmore lectrit dryer VS clean 36 In 911 Steve 746-6411 REPOSSESSED sofa I and chair hsrr Won febrot Per tact shape Take up parrIoNS 43 Year old French Provincial dining room Suote peal ip3d condition 162S le3-46il Full sire mattress box springs end Pam Good condition SA 923 Burl finish king site teedboard dresser mirror arnica rughe stend $400 211A2211 SEARS COldsoot refrigerator wh te elle by side with 'remake' frost tree) tc ft 1249 21131600 Et Cu et A elvinator side be side refrigerator freeser ice maker avocado SI 7S formA34-6414 Black vinyl couch chair woM ollomars excellent condition complete SleS 271-9721 Sofa love seat and chair brown vinyl SEES $34-0833 or after weekdays Foe sale 10 cu chest Pope Frost Careen freezer by RengeatreS200 4J12322 Itri" Velvet contemporary sofa orange print good condition clean $150 201-13e3 Marv finish douNir dresser US Samples of famous peens west ern suits 461-0106 than Allen maple twin beds each Nigh' stand SSO Mirror 1406491204 alter 6PM KENMORE washer and Penney'S dryer both 6110 US6746 $PAN1SH co*cktail tables (V soanish green velvet chair! and lamps 47156AS VACUUM cleaner like nevi at tachments SISRey's 534-0126 SAVE Vt furniture all sift beds model homes terms 214-31111 NEW mattress twin full $299S 2SOP Berry Vlsgeel NEW piece liv ingrown suite Sk3 tost Below cort71711 NE V4 trundle bed with 2 interspr ing mattress $ue 834Ool2 MATTRESS SETS SS75260 LATE model Kirby vacuums like new MIK hments SM 0176 All cycle automatic washer like new MS $141e7 Like new Corning top range sacrifice evenings 64944i7 FREEZER (slight damaged) new Se POI Grove 132e73 WHY not try a waterbed 4514121 RE POSSE SSF Argacrowave Ovens 13 sveeklyt 244-5112 GAS ramp like new 1415 801 Grove 332 01 RerngeratorsranneS ut) Guaremeed Jensns 321057 BIG retrIgerator 4 Call 519 4519 LIVING room" stpte and odly bed 451-0152 NOT POINT electrw range very Clean exceltent $191 132-7714 Is Cu ft chect ftnatef Warranty 1Z25 53S-2001 2105 Cook stows SAT 15 up 27PS Rosedale S3S-2001 WHITE wachong mat hrw excet- lent conchtion A) 23Nals WASHER AND DRYER tvNte both for SIP) 2O5-1009 GOW 0 Nylon carpet $1 yd 2611- Custom meke sofa be ert brown Imes excellent VIC 211 'Custom oak and velvet Spanish chairS US each Couch chair and Ottoman $IO0 cash BSil Aree For sale like new washer and dryer best offer ell 790i taNes I with marble top Oak rocker etc 9260771 Port-a-crib and sheets like neve $2 1115112S WATERBED king heeler frame liner S15O 2614502 Floral Couch Deflect condition lea 91 ti Ew5ryttorso must go! Furndure lewelry risimg mower t231506 COUCHES chairs maroril etc 752i Maple Leaf Dr 485-4013 a plec complete modern bedroNn suite 781-8L37 PLAID 00 temporary sofa like new 3110 3814101 Soe chalr reloner glace and what TV 7821 Se Art REFRIGERATOR $30 velvet Couch $13 923431e WALNUT bedroom suite 3100 bullet faS more 6241830 45vds used arpet pad gootl con damn bele 7e24141t SO S4 yd of gold carpet and pad good condilionS125 732-1511 Drop leaf Duncan Phyte dintng lees and 'Schaff 1725 62093 Love test and chair nearly new Herculonpleal VAL 324-0691 Frigate electric ran very clean $50 926248 For salt carpet sh 'rev new 3100 7113nrer al ItS GE electroc reeve evace do I scellent conditlan S14-0212 lcubstduel used ftendure bedroom lg kitchen S3S-1110 Roll-away hPd 13S 2 44-10ss REBUILT washers and drvegi 244174 Dyer's Appliance Stospotai bed for sm 37-2998 3 OS Antiquws I Arts ANTIQUE SHOW Fri May 12- tvnts IC pen Sat May 12--nooes10 pm Sun May I4n00rs4 pm Pound up in 34:0 Crest hne For deal inforrnabon21134959 evenin9s or For said antique Grand 19111 Cantury John Broadwool -ShOrt Concert duahly Rommond on Oak 14- torabon Hooland by Clos Very veluabla Papers incluSed 294- ChM STEINWAY A SONS antique square Grand dad late beautiful' S1100) Also On ental liquor heavy carving teakwood $3504 92t 43011 ft 3 ft Vtt Ionian style Ilk rId Inland PaIntIng is an or Kenai WO John landw ane otter Call 1172-4343 bowie ANTIQUE shooter 70 years rent with option to bun Scotts Antiques 2524 Hemphill 014 0103 Antique bamboo bar 4' a fn ckdn9 4 bMb00 SWIVti bar (Nara gond condilion and very UnUSLIAt 442 Manodany Dun( an Pnyle dtmolg 'COM labia and 4 chad4 924)021 atter 4 WANTED cash redtslecs 128S pompS Si0( rmilChtS anti taiimg tans 481162 261NISA afghan and Greek ariltacts 2003 years old nd older $0floug Iwyers Only 1134560 We buy bid and used Ofental ruQc piay cash r32-hc2 Of Cdil 111 144 OM This 010 HOUSE Arnigue cPa rerords With '516 Hemphill 101 9214691 Player pane cherry roils LeannW hUiL eller 924-2S30 e2le 3423 Pro Di TA 81 good cochow SO rars old $1500 Weekdays otter V262113 Anbretre org4o QnOd condmon mode in 1900 Adel 6 16542t63 Gbson oodre wrwlup vir 101a V4 Of make oder Mad ANTiqui ono 246-064i Syrarute china tttpral thace VKI Sot I SISP 192 ItOS Roil top desk OOP rs2 21 after BEAUTIFUL Anttcp At leweIry 4514532 OAK table 4 elta4 dekk came totenets After IPPA 23743 OLD sofa noires uelbols144' $21 Poktr tat4 1-140695 1611 Bodars Chart Pr oak clivty plate 30 poces 3150 134-0143 BEAUTIFUL 7 oak boBl leaded glass doors S34-3177 6 Oak cilium) (hawk Mat back 4SI 2250 rm ati glass cut glass decoI- to paces atC 619 Antfc sohd oak ornate dnosg room Sat massve 6243177 510 Sowing Machines LEFT IN REPAIR suGownst tc and Setwr repkvr g11 OrS yOUS I S27 Dfles Zig StrCh ash cAmp ow 738-6S39 SONGEN TOUCH AND SEWS 1100i mac foneS Deluxe Incrteet CPO Cabinets le ia tsit tleelell etc Nem comtott usosiil Nome Metro Satl IS09 or 3 SOW'? Touch lel Sew etaintl ceboO tet Good conditon S24 77 A' GROCERY SIOreequiemeIrl rent 795BOSI BUY USED Store quipmen1 and tteturos 2954051 Stam loss stosi fond warmer oft roliers WS 795-7159 524 Oil E441Pment DRILLING ING POI 1000 1 Max NMI airmud Multi wall contracts RFD Call DIM Vilna 111a1041011 ilnaltr2 2141" 526 Misc Machinery 17tst ItctrIc MOSOri USO aPra'S440yopSiSOrstra ALSO smaller motors switch boxes and electrical equipment FREEMAN'S All TL aaa 33S7 NEW Greco Bunks one airiess spray unita PriTlaraZ trade Also repairs and Dares North Texas Say Equilanant lica Ith AvsVISSOI ROCKFORD Vertical mill 10in Lecianengine lathe 290 ama atc welder 20 in vertical band saw 11131-031 II to AUTOMOTIVE SPRAY BOOTHS was Complete Immediate ery al 7 -57213111 IS In swinq in centerS Blonde dual drive lathe SOSO rS-Sal I SINKS Autormhw spray troth with heaters Will sacrifice 2 GRA YCO liripsg pint rig $750 Sell tor $149 29548T atter 6PAA SHP electric motor 3 anew with starter box SIM irm no (tweak 244-33S6 SPRAY BOOTHS New and used industrial $11472 AIR compressors diroff factory sales bastonces 62S2766 NEW Atlas 12X1S meal lathei in Venn $1425 61S-296 oas tank very good USED gasoline pumps arid dit penserl 429-021a 22X 211 Baum folder pile feed 4-3 3 Spa' 27776el Complete dry clamming equip merit for sale S312361 Wanted small pnQu st lathe 46126 Si Heavy Machinery IMI CAI Loader rew isider cat riage eetr clean 917f4 Cat Loader HOPS made te work T020 Dozer 1011 hydraulic blade very good 1624-9437 7327 tit it1135: yd slurry machine complete with I ft drag hoc mounted On a CO Chevrolet truck All in good conduce east cotr 2M-1233 6474123g For salt caterpillar 977H model SStAS47 good condition 90 per Cent undercarriage oil stewing clutches 443-0133 Must sell! John Deere 301ia diesel and toe scraper 3IS total hours 1977 Model MI 7931 atter 30 pm 26334261 07 Cat Doter 110 series hydras lit with rops canopy very good condition excelient undercer 2741761 2174747 '17 Hydraulic demolition hammer Arrow HGI250 834 WIC 73751114 VALVE rnixthro 0nd hard 4001 grIncler Back and Docker good conchhon 249-2272 WILLIAMS AMA I Ion Ford Irma nree tiros i6503 73711CO RENTAL le 000 lb Tayky fork lift 13 ft mast 8 ft forktla00 weekly slioomordhly aesinso RENTAL le 000lb Taylor Fork loft It ft mast I lores100 weekly811SOrnordhly19182aso 450 El John Neer crawler loader J20 Ditch Witch triMchar Ail Rerdal 1311281 '75 ESSICK 42 Inch vibrate'' rollor034-6316 7371654 '77 Ford 33S tractor with loader low hours 1134-474 737 WA '77 CASE 450 anon blade draw tow hours 1111w3Iti 37SINA WANT to buy sand Nast quit" mown ASA I I 74 ton silent hoist fork lift extra set 10 It forks 33S2142clats '14 FORD loader tractor with box Scraper MOSO cash Michigan 12S A loaditf I mils gat 214-M3460 EGO lb butane forklift 2111149711 Si Tools NEW TOOLS Nockwail tools SENCO hail oohs tbie saws motorized rhter boa band sawisfesses chain sawS 1NOAAELITE cheat saws and water pwmos 10 par clang off) complata hro of toolS and fltvrat 244-t490 293041 rwo wort benches for solo ceiorM coostruthon Alio 4514500 McCULLOUGM Mat 6 II 6 bar twth COMP like nra POO ra 0624 13n sir IC 1101 air cornpresserSlinHerCel 31-1441 11 in planer WO 332 $152 MO tAisce Hammes For sale Retetterran Ram (atria tarot VS doube bad wrings itaipacti 21 in etralric fan 2'0 Medic at eredstde carrwande 2ICO 1 etactroc lamp 210 S31-161y1 1 B's I $ohnion TJA 2 ratellaral sideband ceramic lite saw 2 prmer Wows COnWrorriei router One 3 speed and one Ithareed bK 244-2236 Young tn et staffing youth OtArtach canter nerds memoirs Pee pane organ PA system 1040111c hai S4413ba Control unit and umts COrnOKI washer 'aS Rairbiar Classic cylinclefSir 144-6014 PLASTIC tubing 3S0 ft coils perforated in 'Of under ground or drip surface waterrg gardens etc SICleacny30-5000 42 in round cement tab with 3 curved benches SISO SS straigni cement bends tektiOm Ming lantern av? fr4ArtI13 Scr ATEG SPoed awn coon voted wasnno mathineS SJS 0013 or SSILSOSS Sok flower tor Moitter'S Dal spits: corsages and arrangements 631-0572 or 716i49S7 76 wood church pews II te cpytd conchlion SUM 29S-1171 at VS 654 20140 vinyl swimming pool liner loopth skimmer and piga $195 4574S37 FOR SALE Avon boDies-dscount price' Call Lusty 831113112 atter 6 TWO wheel metal covered I Utility trailer walergrosi ures J27S 13743ea Desk type sewing machine china and silver and other furniture 23716714100 ighlaM Lake Or FOR SALE used ay Mimi-able ea( IC brds with sale rail call S16-6231 or 2917220 New IS lichen Aid dishwasher SrS0 7 aaonda whom SIS tack 1314201 BARBER chairs red good con dolon 117S emit 2474266 or 763 Used once rock cutteebolisher eveninis 6494417 NEW taX7 garage door compete lakit best OW M-456S WANTED: Windmill working condition 114301147 FIREPLACE 36 in wood burs ec never used SeS 13)7IS Wheelchair nage used I month only $100 Cath 1374717 531 Gums coLioNs Gt)Pi May and 7 lAhl to 6PPA lltIchordson Hogh School coteloria boll Imo it hCrnosa For ortforrnottcm too tact lorry Lott 0 bon 13 Pchordoor 21411) LARGEST Stoc 0 new wad and snow wits lh Flag Worth Sew esai thowwwd stork hoe wil Vet SIko 000f 'Wowing 'as Wen W4 pay charity usoca DN ucw ON lekaT tS GU SA24 HwE7a7 West 30 CARBINE and I CO) rounds SAO- JOAO leoth scope $120: 20 gauge MIK outornWic shotgun vow case 'hens Veg 77 auto mat ir th Kohl IICS 7974U40 or 79 4746 AuzillooderS rrPofy tett kruves hoes avw3 coils Trophy Arcitery '012 Bert! VII SALL ocwit noon tO1PM 001111d TWO day! LARGEST selection IS tow VII vwd gtms roloaioNp U0DPhes Fort Warth Piskal Porter 3410 lo Nth Soy-SELL Modern solicit AtPozsd tiostiors tor brit and Crerbrr Knives PrtlICO Jewelry Mem 112 Yt3r 341A1 Colt clogow WNW" Crow SOO Os stool WI Podia 010 Pawn Mom 17 Prefornorglon pJonp end 243 colber "nth grow LILO 'or 4314323 For laic Ir Blanc wooden 6 flat clarinet in encellent C0011 tiOn Atter 4a0-66CA Ventura hollow alcktrit Guitar les than 6 Montris old $l09 Oa FENDER Telecaster witto hard-shell case and Peavey PA WO with speakers 73a9ve5 Gibson Toon 12 mo $200 Coll 731-0399 ton Gibson SG $225 4314402 days 4574770 atter 5 Varrl fZr7Z NT UPRIGHT 'mono Good condi bon $203 00 9245647 Wurlitrer Fun Molter Organ roil sacrifice 624-4743 MUSIC teacher must sell lovely little pano Forst SRO 284n25 LIOright Balchoom piano excellent condition SSS04704062 PIANOS WANTED Spot cash 5362790 PIANOS and 0calli moving done at reasonaborateso344411 PIANO $610 44151115 Kimball swinger organ-V50 As pre pAyments VI 4853374 New 4 string guitar $60 23247 after VIOLINS and VIOLAS Sales and repairing 2374513 Piano Hobart Cable black Small upright J500 Z921198 Baldwin Acrosonic with ben4h mahogany VSO 738-9854 GULBPANSEN model RS organ and bench 6658 4981816 XCFLIE NT ornate Steinburg upright piano 8225 7824020 BEAUTIFUL Spinet like new 2ad 1275 Like new Conover spinet piano walnut linist0110881716b3666 GIBSON 4317 string good ton dition new 8345016 Almost new Gretch drum set $450 Call atterAvrn21SS396 Epiphone blonde guitar and 4ae12S0 792i2481 For sale $30D guitar best otter MP 4061 tetti9c12upright piano excellent POOLE Spinet piano and bench mahooany 350 451-438C 5 20 Office Equipment BIG SALE! DESK S-04AIRS FILES Two Warehouses Full COMPARE THESE PRICES New 2 Drawer Files $26 New 4 Drawer Files De Chrome Frain Arm Chairs $111 Wooden Executive Disks $145 Wooden Credenzas $145 New Typing Credenzas $45 Walnut Top Foicbrig TaNes Ntw COsCO Folding Chairs $6 large Stock of Real Walnut Desks and made by JASPER Table Co JasPer Ind Used Metal Dosks NS to SIB Used Karet Files Used cerd files SitS to 1165 Used Swivel Chairs $15 to 135 Much More CallCompare BOB PEARCE SALES CO Cash and Carry Office Furniture Warehouse 92e Henderson 13S-4112 DISCOUNT OFFICE PRODUCTS FIN'Iy SilivAge NEW USED ()WAGED Furniture Supplies Calculators Typewriters Coot Mach" Compare our prices tehIte you buy Cash and Carry 2300 White Stliternent Rd 3364321 FINGER OFFICE FURNITURE BUY RENT LEASE Big soTogi on farnous brand furniture up to 40 percent accessories desks chairs credensas foes tables and reception furniture 1919 Weatherford Hwy244-603 2500 Mansfieid Hyry5312141 Office teWphorte system consists Il ten button push Mal telephone Mat intercom music on hold pagusg system and associ ated toupment Contact Jay Rosenblum 1311222660 I SCM model ItS like new condi ton $215 I Royal electric model 550 like new WO phone 015-4472 after 5 on weekdays all day Sat urday and Sunday: CLOSING office BOWS Cop'? 253 4100Ing machines p001441 meter OeSts Chair! IA-OFFICE desks chairs files New And used 129 95 up Heri- 142ri612305 Division Arlington SURPLUS DESKS $20 up Chairs all types $5 up Furniture barn 105 Main TOSHIBA Bond copier $2t300 As' same $76 65 payments LAcellent condition 460AS71 MINOLTA IV Electrogt'ajohic 7 months old Sold new SIVPU will hike SIM- 160-85et 3M 209 automatic document feed WO IncludespaperfOr2100 copies 4611437 APECO Systematic roll cope'' 500 or lease paymenti $2683 2743071 COPY Machme warehouse 190a Randol Mill Suite 2LA43cliNton 46T5313 tobte 344 ft lower type voth 3 drawerS 3173 4S71365 OLIVETTI model ASIO28 model So00 cassette drive MAO Call rneiro a6l-7040 Recor6A-Call of Fort Worth Telephone answering machineS Neer and Used 716-1010 DENNISON copoer for sale Or trade for electric typewriter Rosier274-711 DESK 30)0000PS WC Office Chair US Secretary chair $10 eSt-fino larixorclo-pnone remote answer ing rnahineL SaaS261-3S01 AB DICK 360 chain green rnodei t33POL41612701 POSTAGE 'miter and addressing mar Pimps 741-340 SAVIN 770 Bond Copier in box Sit00 LIKE new desk secretarial chairPott area 56-k6C1 OFFICE Partitions like new! 6247221 Gespetner mimeograph and the oroscope and 3 chairsS14-937t TYPE WRITERS UnderstexdS's las each 2al28S4 Must sell! ISM Spitctric perfect cond400nt las0 2Est 3i17 Eeecutooe metal desk exCehent shape 2b2 S60 DRAFTING table (AdJustab peightt 8183 1819101 Typewriter RemmiNgten electric ecelient 89 244 1046 Underwood Forum electOt typewrdert Si 15 267-2719 522 Fixtures RESTAURANT CLUB Store And School Equipment Used refrigerators ice machines drink-beer-liquor chs pence? ranges hoods fryers stove Tables (NM'S woodwork Complete lob MARK FREDRICK 3213 Collinswortn 332 2774 SHOWCASES and display cabt mtS counters tpondolas We buy tortures Alwavs a good supply on hand Pegboard hooks glass metal illPiVing Alik block White Settittmeea Rd Ft Worth Fixture Showcase 12 Nock fouthon EQ(1133243245 IS svalin reechot 7 door Cooler with shelving runs per ect ID reitch in other runs prr fect NCR cash register Dayton scales Cleburne64149S1 atter 6414987 MEAT grinder MVP end caw rolk cooler freeHr stale cote box safe and revsfer desk and adding mac tune IDS SO I4S R51 American restaurant equ10- ment new and used yenta hood systems ore 'NINO I or best price and free estimate call: 214421 310 litter SELL USED Bar and Aestautant ENnArnent Jim Keepmi WT533 LIQUIDATION SALE 7 Norodolos numerous dsiney twos cash register stork CIO Gutionrs 231-9W au tin GROCERY and COO VettenCe store florlst boxes goeiti-ms reads-int CAR Astrip orauon 624 Hobart 70 ot rntxor wIth vegetatee (POW) doot treezer ccciter upright tut In Kttite tit0 i0s 714 3V-310 4 new smoked Vast hydratAK Weber chaffs $150each poo chairs VA) each 7111-2i1t INDIVIDUAL has store 01olny cases for saio 731411 co 74 IC 21 WALK IN coolers and treeterti and resteorant OrdwOnwnt BraRetrirration WA CAS registers new-used nsei chanicl and electronic Oleo uiler metro Ast 1021 DRESS shop fittures Wound dnubl and Single racist W2I Sit 9A32 Compiet operator beauty Shod S2250 Also other equip Mow aptoo10 mAt WAREHOUSB SALES Freight damaged last yearS mociels uncrated and floor models washers dryers refrigera tort freezers microwaveovem ranges dishwashers air (ond honer 110I Greve IClovmtown) 11ENTAI rupoilTuotE RETURNS Household and office nice elle bon low Inv prices FINGER FURP4ITURE RENTALS 2 500 Mansfield Hwy 53I-2241 YOGI BARGAIN MARKET fec 41 on QiMicty used washers S59 95 up Aiso good used dryers refrigerators freezers stoves furniture garage sale items all appliances guaranteed 4101 Belknap 1342264 NICE clean Kenmore and Wiwi pool washers and dryers sale price $9 9S each with wash and wear and delicate and normal cycles free delivery and 6 months guarantee 2101 4acksboro Hwy625-22S1 CALORIC gas ranges and built in ovens all reduced! 30 arid 36 inch white Or colors many with self-cleaning ovens Save nowt Easy terms Sams Appliances 1900 Rosedale SS55 bid knap MOVING must see to mowed ale lovely formal dining room leSO beautiful piece velvet ing room165 kinosife IIINVOOM suite all wood ten queensize SOSO den suite 1 piece SeSO core sole color Ty $215 Rent GE Appliances Washers dryers retrigeratoll Deto freezers EX TV STEREO RENTAL 1021 Main 136-2076 RENT A COIN OPERATED WASHING MACHINE For your home Option to buy Most et onorrucal service in town Trans-America ApplianceCorp S3S-LN1 Unclaimed FreigM Sakti Furniture stereos sewing machines flemco mattresSeS large selection low prices 4D39 Belknap 8134541 Moving sale Hile-ebed couCh svasherriryer desk and chair kagstigerrdia litzsess 11 oettie: reous items All extellenscconcle bon 46I3050- Refrigerators and freezers all reduced Best selection loveest prices Buy with confidence Easy terms Samss Appliances 1900 Rosedale 5S55 Bel knap FRIGIDAIRE No-Frost ref rigor ator ell reduced II Cu ft roilers achustable shelves mom far $49I2 for Mae Easy terms Sam ApplieoceS 1903 ROos dale 5555 Belknap 3 Olece bedroom droed dn1I night Stand a drawer dresser mth large mirror Modern bede $100 2 couch cQrr 9rOupng Nue vinyl $30 Twin beds SA 275-0 lba AMANA refrigerators deep freezers Kitchen Aide dishwesn les S6 week repossessions floor MOCIPIS scratched and dented 244 5111 KENMORE all Cycle washer with leash and wear demate Cycle and multic Yc le dryer 545 each (an deliver and 6 months guarantee 1345152 COMPLETE Spanish living 'torn stete lamp pictures ster ea dinette sul te 1695 can bp sold separate 275-6305 Or 2615913 Gregg Month old 12 ICU It Sears 'frigerator 1185 Magic Chef sell cleaning double Oven range goid converted for proper gas 5c13 2932119 Houseful of furniture everything excHient shape dinette be rooms living room tables etc no applianceS 536-9905 after 4 White Vinyl couch VW Black and white coffee table 0 2 end fables 112 SO each lama 110 Red chair 140 Furry Couch 165 268 2909 CONTEMPORARY bedroom suite for sale large bureau and Commode with darkwood finish Also kingsize brass headboard S500 Call 9210i00 PEPOSSFSSED 25 cu ft stele by stde Add nral retrtgorelor ex tracioan Yaseupciayrnents ABey APPLIANCIS 001 Mite Settlement Rd TAKE UP payments builtin electric on Liao new Selfcleantrig RBI' APPLIANCES 46 54 WIsitt Settlement Pd REPOSSESSED 19 Co ft frost tree 7do0r retrideratee like roe k'all rnonthly payrnents ABBY PLIANCES 48 54 White Set llemeni Rd TAKE UPpayments washer and dryer deluxe pair like new Small rmnthi payments ABBY APPLIANCES White Seh Bement Rd TELL CITY on seat 2 chairs SISCI A Brandt love mat and chairSISO Broyholl love 9E at and 2 chairs $100 trundle bed $US RFRIGRATORS 4S1438e durum's teed delivered 1SO421S Reis able service calls $4 11115723 Fay-Less Retrlerator a ROOMS NEW FURNITURE r0 peres 799 MURDER'S FURNITURE nal Jarirsboro Hwy ho II RED TAG and used mattresseS all sizes Appliances AA appy's Furniture and Appli rinses 3404 Belenap ram Ivan dinnerware Has len da grn tWO 2to piece sets row compiete set plus 4 misseliw mous preces $95 244-S011 GOOD condition wood Molt chair SIS Will deliver Stroller make otter Great condition MI 9745 ORIENTAL rugs hand woven new Large Ounkara small Tenn! Mortng sAcrdice 2653897 One red tapestry Sole and ch' kroerkey 9I2S one green venret sofa and Swivel rocker $12S 45I Lka BARGAIN onthyldsial must sell all nesk I bedroom siptes all wood 9 lawnrrsoweer9 1134-5633 034947S RE POSSESSED 30 In delu we gas raAf3eVSnI AlPTInZtar Stihote Settlement Rd UNUSUAL handmade wooden antrid table Mounted on unanue baffel base Neautdul 676 261- 2212 aftpt 6 PM JUST like new French Provincial sofa I7 tt matcffing chair Newly opholstred in white brocade $47)3 034-6561 01 DE gas dryer and gas range whte both worn good IS earh S603 filar rrore WestSide After 5 Or antlirre weekends PECAN dining rcorn skate 7 arm and 4 sde chairs 2 extra leaves lighter) hale carknet drawer $10670 210-7716 Hotpoint side by side refrigerator ice mane veth service or vcenent condtion $250 268- 1393k 201-1611 Pat 71 co It Harvest fioldsidebv side refrigerator with ice inane r75 atching gas range 5190 4 fr412I Moving- 230 on ranges refrioeralor bed Washer desk antilto dresser fires lamps tables 5929 Wall Ave 034 6406- MUST SELL Moving Overseas Refrigerator porlabie dth washer eiertric range everything 2 months cad M-931 MEDITERRANEAN 6 were itingsize bedroom spite mattress and box springs Very ornate S425 23r 321141 Velvet oorhloveseat 5730 Wk er $69 lamps 669 heavy maple dinette MP bunk bails 5115 Belknap Furniture kirt 1791 ECONOMY Furniture has the bargains 105 SVIvamot 3H01 BEIGE electric oven rook tnp and ran9e now excellent condition SA) 283-5445 RFD TAG mattress-bort spring sets in fartory pletic twin SA set toll MO set perS012 1 MAYTAG masher real nice IuArenteed VS tki Grove 332- clo23rSoy it FROST froo vac ra tot avocado he new 1195 ill) I 312- gni 4 drawer youth bed maple Fatly Arnortran both SSO each or best 460102 Colonial neadboard good mat trss box spr togS 'Nome tor S41Iej7 4S1S8S9 Trestle table Sptanish style 4 Ctssirs 2 extra leaves Comm and chair $a0 lir stryor 515 tor seat 50 rhos? IJO torysclotr es 3 yowl iihtS419 te Cu ft retriwrator Ur also opt saes 535-2il 205 Posecioio TRADITIONAL chine 'wick xcellent condit00 5215 921-A46 921 552 Like re Early ter kora coffer table et tables hutch arta thning wile 211 CrLiOatter Leong room tablet f3) 177S or co*cktail Woe 'my SliO Bracied r1 $35 Ali like neer Va-ikliol Taman trir clue coatonuoull cleaning doubt Oven I rear olet 5iSO anS5-11 PORTA ALF amtl no doe pa rm is Only IS week oroLT KELVINATOR electrC rano white good corolmn fah day -4 18 erecangs LES JAREN NS APTS I bedrooms apts Peaceful atmosphere happy POO 924 9910 EULESS lame and 7 bedroom bills paid Near trhools snors ping From SISS weekly rates available Children welcome no pets 2674491 Northside I507-13 Harrington I bedroom duplex washer work log adult no children OS week OS deposit 7324917 after weak days For I or I adults only no nett mot 3 room 1140 or tla orook 171 deposit grater gas pd 131 2010 ADULT Heim and I bedroom Ea from $709 NHS bait 737 EL RANCHERO Lancaster Weekly sn I ARL Near hosplat 17 tTeZd- room $19S up bill padi Adults no t9 patio quiet Near Southeide I bedroom aduitt bills Poid No Pots S3S Near Southwest deluxe ackat quiet carport no pats net t10111M51110 Ideal apt settled person $155 923-6239 call 9 to 9231512 at clean private single lady only124156117 Stable couple la keep nous in trade for rent call 246-541211 PCOM duel's bills paid Single mature person 924-401? $45 I bedroom dup4e6 2716 Merceoes (near M) tOS AwrtmentS 4 Rooms or Larqr 2 BEDROOM close to shorlOing central heat and air carpeted disposal $250 bills bang 3901 Westridge 1324601 Now renting Park Way 3 room studios 265-0061 SOUTHSIDE 4 rooms bath Cali i24-S379 607 Roommate Wanted FEMALE single mid 20's to shar 2 bedroom 2 bath in Vmodhaeen 451-4701 attar I or 13422S5 weekdays and weekencht ask tor Doris Maturt Christian lady would Ilk to share her home with same re4- erenceseethanged RIPI 10 Boo 7 Star Telegram fernale to share tenant ot 2 bedroom studio with same will accept child After $11 2151 NEED a roommate? Call The Arrangement Roommate refer ral service 4605371 516-2036 Wer4 4nVizoril isgoad9LIO Straight man will share one bednom apt 2670347 before fille piunue ri trent lhtt 3 oomil SPRING FEVER? wk your mows into our torrety BRAND NEW bedroom sots with VOtliSter-drver connections Purer Ow sutra cionet spec the Odin rarreting and our lords rrE closed patio All kw S240 Or $no per month SEPARATE ADULT AND FAMILY AREA TENNIS COURTS a POOLS BRENTWOOD TERRACE APEOIRENTWOODSTAiR RD 429-6505 (Micn a Itinlpitti Ott Oakland End Grand Opening Richland West Duplexes OUR NEW A NO) BEDROOMS UNPURNISHID ouPLE xEs IN NORTHEAST ARIA ARE NOW RIADY FOR LEASING FROM IMO MONTH rtus UTILITIES vo BLOCK ONYX OIL 242)011 NIGHTS 4010611 Sandi in Homes 111141011 In Nitta THE BELL APTS 4S0 Hurst 12 and Studios wsturnithd ol hos pad Walk to Bell Hilltop Mr Close to mrools pool Siert mg al WI TI SQUARE APT) DEPOSIT SPECIAL 1 WEEK FREE RENT Adult anti family section Oub room I pools tennis courIL SpocItxm 11 arld 3 bedrooms' 1010 I ARKANSAS LOC 46011444 East It Wool's 1 2 and 3 fwd room apartments from IVO professionally managed The Meadows Apartments Moadowbrook at Weiler 4S7 Otak) 3 Morn efficiency refrigerator range air condoned $100 moth Ia0 deposit Near Hams Hospital Garage apartment beNnal tala-le Pulaski 131 -04os n281121 Atalstock Apts adult LMr 173 bedrcoms Arlington MIS 23 Cr Nit 31171 NEAR NOSPITALS Largo 1 tedroorn apt swimming Pool plus Cedric unfor reshot' Vet SO plus electric fiatresised NORMANDY HOUSE APIS 4S7i2271 1 bedroom I bail' pts $tal rronth i bills paid motto islitc Inuit MOOIL now Open Woodstork Ares et North Choose your I or 2 bedroorn apt tor April May cre Jure Aduitt only 476 050 i-bedroom Ste0 month ISO deposit 2 bedroom 1160 Mardis 175 all utilitleS paid Monthly Masa 17711-1111 IDGLEA GOLP COURSE APARTMENTS Mee aveilatme 12 and 3 bedroorel apts Starting 11120 73? 9072 PARK HILL ICU large 1 bed- pertrreent IltS bills prod adultsan I nO pelt Illee203 tit3120 1 bedroom sonfurnistwd mature Wm adult no pets $110 month tows electrtc S100 deposit 71) Urea Ap))Euless 206 rso Nortriside I bedroom apt etre nice re children no pets IMO tent 112I deposite2466611 ION NON SMON IRS only Nice rooms all carpeted $730 Adultsno petS I teciroorn apt WS month 7 bedroom apt 19S plus ISOcitiOdist No billisaid 170-1010 SMALL neat clean efficiency ter wa paid $100 a month 92a 3442 EMBERS WEST For 'Paw one boxlvoorrt apari nertts010 1enntnas 132'16 22 Snuthvelo I bodr00m1170 month Olus 64111 Pro lots 7114711 Slane couple to peep hour in trod for cont t411 741-S411 DUNA 1113 nor montk Phone 4414717j 332 610 Apartments Unfurnished 4 Rooms or Larger New Apartments PLUS $100 $Abrth of Decor On Move In At The Hurstonian APTS Act Now Call 268-5701 inpires SA5711 lel Pram Ot Ott Hurst Tout CRAMPING YOUR STYLE? Sam was loo until tw loured Nt oversised 7 bedroom apt at Crew's Gardens NOV Nos all the stretch-out room tte raided cornleett with brattiest nook Wog welt (10tOtt Oft eetr Woe range and even own(' bar To br lotto Ni bid abet-limed tie chow his (wort colors Own Cibola told Harvest rust and Motattaittbite and in the boo outdoor Sant heel let choice eil weirionirto pooll to wilily What don boy Mr WI thit spore Just WO a month kafutfeil'ad Plot etwtricity Som un- 1Ls' 'wen Gat iens atcilaw-4' 1 (metro) Westridge Villa Apts I 2 3 and 4 bodroorn4 unfurii reshot Cars led dishwasher central twat and air laundry 'militias swimming mot dull and family area ftidglia Shop Ian from 2113 Alt SILLS PAID 31031 Vrastridge Aye 737414 Grand Opening Richland West Cuplexes OUR NEW AND BEDROOMS UNFURNISHED LUXURIOUS DUPLEXES IN NORTMEAST AREA ARE NOW READY FOR LEASING FROM $to0 MONTH OPNLUYILIDTILLitT2scIESIno SAO NISIGLHOCTsk OSS-0941 Sandlin Homes 281-3509 STONEGATE APARTMENTS NOW LEASING ADULTS ONLY COMPLETELY REDECO RATED 123 bedroom apartments start no at $RO including all utilities rt house and SwirnMing csoni onveniently located to Dallas- Worth Airport 521 Bedford Rd 26a-0581 Managed by Ryan Managerrwnt Company Beautiful Senior Citizen Community Prestigious 1800 Sq 21 2 bdroom 2 bath apartment now available Plush whit carpet and all electric kitchen Swim mind Pock Imperial Terrace 731-1261 SPRING IS NICER AT Ridglea Village Luxurious all adult community minutes away from the Rictrpea Country Club I 23 twdroorns fiats and townhouses From WO PAS All utilities paid 3 pools and 2 Club houses No pets please 009 wesTaIDGE T32-7283 Westct iff Manor We have what you want pools tub room and swena in adult end fThIp cornenumty conveniently located nude Schools and shoocuno CFni 2 3 bedrooms and studios $22S I 330 No pets Weave Net South HO'S Ave 97 2817 Bellaire Village We behove on your seAc OuS I 2 3 tdloms EC NOAA 'CAL rates at WO XCELI ENT management Firmly and 6(101 wC loons Sor rv nd pots SIM isallave Or 261- 201 Luxury Duplexes AND 3 RFOROOMS FIPF PLACE WASHERORVER 112P t4H4SE11 111(0)AIE41 f4) (11 HISDOEN AND PETS WEL- ()Mr SW AND OE IT WORTH 292 flOsS 924 Ridgmar Manor Liv live Of tam saunas club room pools and sorority All adult community with Your (Amu of 12-3 bodroomi I2tO 330 Please rio pets iliA1 IMMO 131-12SE WHITELAK-E--MANDR 1001 Woinor 3 BEDROOM SPECIAL SaRl Friendly tangly and adult lovind conveniently Waled All ololitotS dad Call or 6410110i WOODLAKE A neer sway of liymdl All utrldtas paid pool court yard and min dtes away from a dnif twit 1 2 3 bedrooms $1304260 1404 Weiler 4519202 Las Vegas Trail Enioy luoury and ad ronvellierre family and ull sections he dr I and 7 bedroom apt from $740 Patio and foreplai IS availataft 744 304 or Me MIS Carriage Square ADULT LIVING 1241(43 AtqlrWm 738-5322 RIDGEWAY MANOR ttedrournc cardeltd central beat air laundry far 011ie in Riddita wadi to shopping Ont all Wit pata 3901 Westridge TOWNHOUSE 3 anti I betlecoms in convenient NE area Watner dryer tanner tton a tar Covered E9iring storage patio From 2811222 ni SOM For tne ultimata in living rag PIDGMAR 1QUARE "Bening tria 737-40(17 lutury Duplev 34 living dining Oen arta lire mirage 415Allarrtesa Saki) rad- place bar atrium pato Wo livered Togrobouto Dtkpior 2 be dr 2 twins ilvind room den eireplare patio itti g'3c a $309 We ndir I NEW LUXURY DUPLEX I Mu N2 24 Woe ted (AVM end boon studv Streptore ort state Crams no mainte nail( Ssdi lease 4SItns ALL ADULT COMPLEX Wetiove)dd tot at ton spec t00 IN-drown opts Nate to ChoPPg rstasoants bus Shag carpet Fools lOweir grOundS '297 gla Luxury contemporve town Mose T2 plus large tmttone wrseroods outet Bedford netghborhord avaiaN June I S4212 44 2239 (Metro) WEDGWOOD modern to repose 2-1 'et Month tisp deposit I vent lemo Almon) l'otal Electric ostler-dryer COnnrCtion licluitS 297 WC Westview Terrace Larg I and 7 brdroomt for noiArd or unfurnosord 244 312t RIVERCREST hom*o dopier 7 otdr rrrnSilcireol 1 P'2ti! 20111 BFDROONS I Paths W1S month bOderfosil (Addles peal 040 peti no rbodrefL 1101N SKI vaNa 144 7712 Ladle ma Lake waterfront billk P10 event elect or dock set irn IL11 2313064 $105 month no eels Wedgwood 12 duplex central heat and so capeied fireolaf tflao deposit $16S montNy 201 LUXURY DUPLEX tm Hurst 2 bedrcx)mj fireplace yard Mai- $350 plus electriCily 2112 Meadowbrook duplex 21 car port brick all-electriC Carpet drapes built-ins wets paid Idt5 1-7327 NON SMOKER ONLY Nice 4 fawns all carpeted New refr valor stove 1 or couple SIX 926 Silt RICHLAND HILLS luxury apt 3 bedroom 2 Se bath dublee 3 md' rOOM se townhouse 2 todroom 1 bath flat NA 2121 ARLINGTON TOWNHOUSES 14rge I 7 and 3 bedrooms hoolT and shooptny 2o1240t bedroom bath private baba Chtld Vfldlii pot olt Lulass 267-40s Wedgwood very no( 2 trdroom 2 bath ern thnalg V40 plus e4es tricn0 pets 291 9CNOVoodavrtmet Delver evpiew 3 2-2 Vsse month 292 3111o 131 Cell Weerwool lusury dopiez 1-2 2 1-130 rnanth 712 Y3 611 Rada' Son Ics GUEST APARTMENTS LOCATORS TOW Search tor vacant' 1 rwiP Mu choose your neat apt DONNA VIS UP I ISE ONNt r2DOS UP 3 EDROONS rI UP II TEARS IN ME ISOPit31 LICENSED Plat ESTATE AGENTS PRP YIANSPORTATION OPEN WEEK Pt Worth 1314721 Aeliptiors Med Cities 20-1Sse HOUSE HUNTING! sisecia ise in Now comes and pc trldMagernegItli fl Pentsi matt liS3141 NO tea Ariinfon ATTE NTION LASIDCOPUS Led your vacancies at no Omega Ce dElgatir)n ICS NNE DINTAL410 American FOrtable Bldg Large stock available for imrretdiet deltvery StOraOf barnS Offices tree local Bank Fasancing avatlable Mel Hwy 121-1 9324 creel 11932163 7931671 11440d lumber 164 166 Ike 1612 12t board ft CrosstieS 93 tar ft cedar fence posts 45c eath firewood llumber) SIO load tsvo drag harrows redwood griynnouse benches 400 It 1'V Npe 600 ft of 91 in pipe and 2 drag tandem dims 2 bath tubs 2 whiny trollerS 4 bicycles 497 6316 4571653 1100FIND AND SIDING Or load 25 gauge diamond rib aluminum siding and rooting 52 in wide 111227 and 74 ft long It's thicker than galvanited tin 25 tents SOL all lengths Rico Co Inc Old Buddy Hardeman Co Justin Texas Metro 267- 2357 8174412727 Metal buildincps custombuilt to your spetdocattons Galvaniced sheet trim Or colored Horse StailS corralS Free Estimates ROT ERECTORS Gay Reed 2911211 METAL BUILDINGS Fabrications and erection 01 clualite metal bulldings Any Sae any kind your materials or mine Low prices Average 7 day completion 4443731 3326901 1e1 5491 METAL buildings Save on labor WP sell VW building complete everything furnished or we will erect it for you Two weeks delve-try time on most any sae moatOr41 Aipine Building Co 4716 or 41136613 FOR your plywood and paneling needs cali 134-8831 or come by 7-i70 Carson al Inc Airport Free way Ash Birch Mahogany Fir particle board Finished and OW prrehrl HOUSE ttw sale to be rnoved No down payment 1540 SO It 3 bed rooms 1 bath frame will deliver on clear acreage or (recta sub pat to appraisal) 2469791 or 7315934 METAL building Need on gulch 2 063 to 11001 '14 ft corn peteiy erected OA yOUf property in approximately 4 weeks best prices in town Aipine Building Co 4117111 or 418-6613 HOUSES TO BE MOVED OR SALVAGED Several Poor plans brick and frarne up to 1700 Sg itt for smear trade 924-3932 Enamel oit base paint discount or ail Quarts Many colors each 75 cents THUNDERBIRD 3414 PAam 37 chain link gates aft 6 Ott 915 each approkimately 200ft-Ift criain hots lent' 30c a ft Call 457 24 atter 7164 Aretat buildings and barns built to your specification 5-C Fabr cation 2367425 Atter tall 1523- 4246 20 Used portable buildIngs must sell Call between 9 am and 5 pro4614521 Fiberglass bath tubs and shower Stalls Repair kitS- The Bath 1131T 62S-0S11 TS Wreckong and Salvage used buoicfing material piumbtng fisturesets alls2744 White saint barn quality 5 qa Iket I $9 00 -THUNDERBIRD 3414 lin MOuSe paent preffnum quality vtvie oil bass gallon SS THUNDEREItRO 3414 Main (3) buildings to be moved or wrecked 1100 Dior Rosedale prele0S 17 storm windows 14 Vrs Id eWh Storm door 33 kw a it $75- l34-1748 Notr to be movpdresLonablo otter 130 38-1034 or 33b 6455 Mnfgan building rimms finIfIvid inside heat and air 440 1616 CASINO DANCE FLOON 300 Sq ft $1003 Dais 923-3121 thid ties delivered VISO pet 100 11 Tiller Service Nit Plve4teel new-used lot 12 SAL S314 Jackboro Hwy 62S-4641 PORTABLE bulldnos mowed reasonable Young 13421S44 RAILROAD cross ties installed Call 476-1646 Marble vany sinks VS ets 33Sto671138 27SO OFFICE Partlitons like new! 6247127 PORTABLE buildtA2 I7x32 MAAR otter S3S-8156 ra 7S5IL 504 Furnitur Wanted by housefuls of good used furnitur washers retri9ere toes freezers gare9esele items VOr4 BAOrAIN MARKET 110(1 Belanag Lia-22M CALL ME LAST! tDAY the most tor used furenture and aoonances Days 62A2401 mghts IS 1226 1114-602 TOP DOLLAR PAtO Abohancesfurrnfure heeded PrIrds 831-1445 21hour cash sersore Used hire and applianceS HIgneSt I bA 9821 SPOT CASH all S313112- WE buy Clean furntfure 924-M21 atteliSt Will haul away any frooter in workingronditiontree 4S11466 WE buy turntture 731-3671 Hir3HEST prices paid for ft4rniltice appliances eneS577 I Buy sail repair applianeeS air conditioners 834-4471 506 Household APO Vile Buy Direct From Factory Full site Mile Abed $195 Dweert sire rodestied as Contrancorary Herculon sota toveseat and rhair regular S3X9 95 Kull size 312 coil quilted mattress and Nu sprtngs VS 95 wt Omen mattress ann box sPrin0 39 9S set King site mattress and lorts spronqs $179 95 set Twin mattress and box springs $59 95 wit Twin mattress and box SOrtogS SSO 95 set Large recliners SIN 95 and up stra iarge table lamps 95 Early AnwrKan Herculon sleeper toveseat and chair all S19 95 Maple tri pie dresser and hutch mirror chest and bed S395 Dark pore triple dresser mirror large chest right Stand and bed all sawa Maple or pine tables with 6 chairs Solid 7 inch top oval or trestle Min 95 matcnIng glass china $799 Easy terms Fret dotivery trP lay a way POORTI4 RICHLAND KURR 6606 HarrnonSon Rd 821-7441 DIVORCED need cash small 6 pere formal dng rooM $550 5 piece den outfit SI75 a piece tong-Sire solid wood bedroom StIA nire queen site $650 beautitai 7 price velvet Irving room Stry3 rtsalching harvest gold washer and dryer $375 uPrl0nt $200 side bY Side refrigerator w)th ore and water dispenser 1175 eye level double oven elea tor range 1no ronsole color TV 5tn0 all like new must sot to acyreoate e1! Stanley Keller SId (Radom City) IIX-3011 DIVORCED Mwing-must sell Compete housefult of turrirture Ac(essories appliances Furno turd inciudes all wood living MOM bedroom and dining sevral mtsrellaneOus units some antique pieces Includes turn ture in storage Soiling today Al-So '77 Dodge Maso Van Classic 576 Main or Highway 201 Mansfield $17-1)7 3374 Top quatity furntture Moving must sell Broyhill Steeper SAT ltraditional brown velvet chairs with ottoman 5797 Frogiclaire Stark male washer and dryer $775 Das ja in ritroge $175 Hot Point ice maker 16 Cu ft warranty $315 1411 Hammond 916-417 FOC solo doted' tirtne Non totted l'rearlhogrgs (nrsri)S3D torm tog trarnel $to 310Kh round brpoirfost tabli woth itat $20 I 2-door servolg tM 1195 I gold groor Orental d6 rt rog S35 4 lamp sin 4cles I trarkwgfle IS inch TV S25 451 1241 I I tk tb a 1ts01a ilkALAZALLA ALA sts AAA I.
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