How the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus will affect your zodiac sign (2024)

Every 14 years or so, the planets Jupiter and Uranus form a conjunction in the sky — and it's about to happen again.

A conjunction means that they link up at the same sign and degree. The next Jupiter and Uranus conjunction will occur on April 20 at 10:27 p.m. ET in the sign of Taurus.

The last exact Jupiter and Uranus conjunction occurred 14 years ago, in 2011, and the next one will occur in 2037. This is the first time since 1941 that these two planets are connecting in Taurus, making it one of the most important astrological transits of 2024.

What does the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus mean?

When Jupiter, the planet of expansion and philosophy, aligns with Uranus, the planet of rebellion and revolution, we can anticipate a significant global and personal upheaval. This celestial union will initiate a new cycle that will shake our world by introducing a shift in perspective and sparking transformation that will force us out of our comfort zones.

Uranus feels uneasy in Taurus, as the earth sign craves stability and resists rapid changes. Nevertheless, Uranus may prompt us to grow in areas such as relationships and finances, even if we are not quite ready. Fortunately, Jupiter’s presence ensures good fortune as long as we proceed at a comfortable pace and avoid impulsive actions. This could be an enchanted time, carving out new space for creativity and partnership.

This transit “is likely to have a lot of people reflecting on what they’re doing with their lives and empower them to begin to shift their lives away from the daily grind mindset to a more well-balanced and relaxation based lifestyle," astrologer Joshua Pingley says. "If we are not personally centered and grounded, how can our lives be?”

One door closes, another door opens. It is important to take the steps needed to move toward a new vision. After all, things can't stay the same forever, and we can’t either. Embrace the unfamiliar and take gradual steps towards implementing significant transformations.

How the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will affect your sign


Now is the perfect time to visualize abundance in your life. Try to feel the feeling of abundance. Meditate on it and let its warmth spread through you.


Discovering your soul’s purpose can be achieved by delving into your inner aspirations and desires. When you connect with a personal vision, you can find contentment within and take steps towards achieving it in reality. The more you believe in yourself, the easier it will be able to come true.


The time in which you can mend the past as long as you’re open to discussing situations that have caused us hurt. The more willing you are to lick our fears in the mirror and deal with them, the more likely it will be to diminish them from your subconsciousness.


Connecting with a new group of friends who share your ideas can give you a sense of belonging and push you towards growth. It’s a great feeling to be understood on a deeper level and be surrounded by those who share your interests. In return, you will feel seen.


Your changing and taking on a life of its own. Even if the journey you're on veers from the path you started on, it can still be fulfilling. Trust the process and allow yourself to transcend toward professional greatness.


You might find that you need a last-minute getaway somewhere —anywhere! You won’t have to travel far to have a good time. Even a staycation could even make your juices flow. The whole purpose is to let go, unwind, have fun, and to be at ease.


This period presents an opportunity to streamline and settle outstanding money matters. Discovering a fresh approach to managing your finances could provide the motivation required to move forward and resolve issues. If necessary, seek guidance from a reliable advisor or a trusted individual to assist you in navigating the process.


Strive to find the middle ground instead of victory. You'll have a stronger and wider foundation if you do that, rather than exist in a perpetual standoff.


You don’t have to have a plan in motion to get through the day ahead. All you have to do is live life to your fullest and embrace every situation as it comes. It'll feel freeing, and natural, to go with the flow and not commit.


You are feeling creative and yearning to take on more artistic endeavors. You might even find that you are veering from an old way of being into a new one, which will reflect in the things you make and escalate your talents. Be open to the ideas that are coming.


If you’re dissatisfied with your current living space and have a desire to revamp it, head into a redesign without hesitation. Ensure that your choice aligns with your current aesthetic. Start with a corner. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about feeling at home in your home.


You have awakening your backbone. Congratulations and get ready to be assertive. Confronting matters directly will provide you with the assurance you need to handle any situation. It’s better to address issues immediately rather than avoiding them altogether.

Disclaimer:Astrologyis not based in science. These posts are not intended to act as adirective

Lisa Stardust

Lisa Stardust is a New York City-based astrologer. Stardust is the resident astrologer for Oprah Magazine, Teen Vogue and The Hoodwitch. She has two upcoming books: “Saturn Return Survival Guide: Navigating this cosmic rite of passage” is due out this May from Hardie Grant Books and “The Cosmic Deck” from Chronicle Books is due out in November. Follow Lisa on Instagram for her daily horoscopes @lisastardustastro.

How the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus will affect your zodiac sign (2024)


What do Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus mean? ›

The planets of expansion, Jupiter, and disruption, Uranus, are united in the enriching sign of Taurus to unleash new cycles of creativity, innovation, and rebellion across the collective.

What does Jupiter Uranus conjunction mean? ›

Approximately every 14 years, Jupiter and Uranus meet, prompting breakthroughs in faith, wisdom, technology, and spirituality. The conjunction of these two planets gives us a necessary push toward the future. The tide turns, and opportunities bloom in surprising places.

How does Uranus affect Taurus? ›

If you were born while Uranus was in Taurus, you are not one who likes to rock the boat. You realize the benefits of stability and persistence -- sometimes to a fault. You can be very resistant to major changes, preferring to stick to your long-held beliefs and methods, even if better options come along.

When was the last Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus? ›

The last exact Jupiter and Uranus conjunction occurred 14 years ago, in 2011, and the next one will occur in 2037. This is the first time since 1941 that these two planets are connecting in Taurus, making it one of the most important astrological transits of 2024.

How will Jupiter in Taurus affect me? ›

Jupiter's arrival into Taurus is a sign for us to focus on the fulfilment of everyday life, celebrate our achievements, and grow a feeling of abundance in all shapes, physical, emotional, or spiritual.

What happens when Jupiter conjuncts Uranus? ›

Jupiter is the planet of luck and Uranus is the planet of surprises, and Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — says the merge of their energies will bring "shocking twists of fate, major breakthroughs or breakdowns or wild events to our doorstep."

What is the rarest planet conjunction in astrology? ›

Great conjunctions occur approximately every 20 years when Jupiter "overtakes" Saturn in its orbit. They are named "great" for being by far the rarest of the conjunctions between naked-eye planets (i.e. excluding Uranus and Neptune).

What is the great conjunction in 2024? ›

The Rare Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in April 2024 Will Bring Us All Major Breakthroughs—Here's What To Expect for Your Sign. We're soon to welcome one of the most significant astrology events of 2024: the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20.

Which planet rules in 2024? ›

Saturn, the lord of Karma and Justice, will rule all zodiac signs in 2024.

What planets are lucky for Taurus? ›

The lord of Taurus is the planet Venus and the Moon, the factor of mind, is exalted in Taurus.

Which planet is strong in Taurus? ›

Ruling Planet: Venus

Luxurious Venus infuses Taureans with sensual, romantic and sensitive energy. As the planet of love, beauty and profit, she aids Taurus in being earthy and lucky in money and love.

What planet dominates Taurus? ›

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the enchanting planet that governs love, beauty, and money. Taurus's Venusian influence make this earth sign the most sensual of the zodiac: These cosmic oxen are enchanted by any physical manifestation of comfort and luxury.

What does Jupiter in Taurus mean? ›

Jupiter in Taurus blesses you with ideas to manage resources, an intellectual approach and a happy family life. It gives you a generous and optimistic persona, helping you overcome challenges with a problem-solving approach. Jupiter in Taurus fosters a practical approach towards attaining knowledge and wealth.

What year will Jupiter be in Taurus? ›

Jupiter's 2024 transit to Taurus from Aries brings financial stability, growth opportunities, and spiritual development. The alignment of Jupiter's wisdom with Taurus's grounded nature offers a period of prosperity and balance for personal and professional endeavors.

How long will Uranus stay in Taurus? ›

Since May, 15 2018, Uranus has been transiting through the Taurus part of the sky—a cycle that lasts until April 25, 2026. Unconventional Uranus pushes for radical evolution and progress, while nostalgic Taurus upholds time-tested traditions, resisting change at every turn. Definitely a mismatch!

What does it mean when Uranus is in Taurus? ›

The purpose of Uranus' journey through Taurus is to test the foundations on which we have built our lives, to encourage us to develop more self-sufficiency, to inspire us to question whether our values are truly ours, or represent a result of programming and conditioning we were exposed to.

What does Uranus in Taurus mean in traditional astrology? ›

Uranus through the Zodiac:

Uranus in Aries: Innovating through leadership, courage, and personal freedoms. Uranus in Taurus: Innovating through resources, structures, and environmentalism.

What does it mean when Uranus is in Taurus transit? ›

For the last few years, Uranus' transit through Taurus has been reminding us that security is illusory and that the only constant in life is and will always be change.


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