Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

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Nashville Banneri

Nashville, Tennessee

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NASI1VILLEt TEN ANNEX To Say That It same From Thompson's Is a Guarantee of Quality To Say That It Came From Thompson 31 Is a i Aftorvi Atm 4 4p School Bell Will Soon Be Ringing New Fall '14 ash Fabrics 1 School Bell ll'ill 4 OW E1 10 in loAr a lb II OW gm I 11111111111EMENININNOWIllor I i 1 I 1 i Yd 1 INSTITUTION THAT WILL CAPTURE THE WOMEN OF NASHVILLE AU oommunientIone for the Danner's society pass must be In the Mel before II a during the work and before in Saturday for the Sunday edition Communications must be planed and 'a telephone reference number given 'WEARY ESSKINE RAMAGE Society Editor rsin le Assistant Hardy-Ric Ewen Wedding Plans of Interest i -7- New Fall Stock Boys' and Girls' School Stockings and Socks That will give you back in service every penny that you put into them Fay Ideal Stockings 65c Pair They need no supporters they button at the waist all sizes in black white brown 41 ff- I I (0 fc 5 Ei The Stage Is Set! i fro' 4 it to I A 0 a Il 41 11 New Fall for 1 i Stock l'it-tir 4 i te Opening of All eommunioationot tor the Danares society page must be in the office before II a en during the work and oys and efore a Saturday for the Sunday edition Communications must be aliened and 'a tele- Alli li lit phone reference number given Glrls' I MARY ERSKINE RAMAGE Sodety Editor I i ELRMINE'rEinE Assistant School 4 4 AN Ilardy 7 1 411cEwen Wedding Stockings 1 INSTITUTION THAT Plans of Interest and I Socks I WILL CAPTURE That will give you back A in service every penny THE that you put into them I i VVOMEN Fay ea Ti Soc tkings OF NASHVILLE 65c Paw They need no support- ers they button at the 1 Wald' an sizes in black white brown See Thursday's Payers Papers a i -ortc1 0 Arlion deb4Artikilivet 7in Ist IIP 1 41 I i Ilti -41111" 4 der 4 4 46 4 In Splendid Readiness for Children's School Dresses and Every Other the Now is the time to make the children ready for school and here is a stock unequaled in quantity quality deservableness and fair prices New Anderson Scotch Ginghems 82 inches wide pir all colorings De New Duro Dye 40-In English Gingham' New Duro Dye 40-In English Gingham' a ata a In Splendid Rea di mess for 0 and Every ii me to make the childrer NOW the stock unequaled in quantity quality 1 New Anderson Scotch Ginghams all colorings New DUTO Dye 40-In Engli sh Gingham' A wedding of much cordial interest will be that of Miss Penelope Prather Hardy of Louisville and Mr Frank Phillips Mc Ewen of Cincinnati for merly of Nashville which will take place at o'clock Thursday night at St Paull! Episcopal church The ceremony will be performed by the Rev Francis Hardy uncle of the bride assisted by the Rev Royal Tucker rector of St Paul's church Mrs James Edward Hardy will be the matron of honor The bridesinalds will be Miss Cecile Robinson of Wayne Pa Miss Emily Mo Campbell of New York Mrs Shepard Lowman of Tam Pico Mexico Mrs Tryon Mengel Mrs George liorschel and Mrs Newton Nichols Mr John Mc Ewen of Nashville will be his brother's beat man and the groomsmen will include Mr William Hardy Sr and the following from Naehville: Messrs Harvey Alexander Meredith Caldwell Herding Jackson John Noel and Richard Nor-The ushers will be Messrs James Edward Hardy and Alexander Thompson Jr The ceremony will be followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents Mr and Mrs William Hem nab Hardy on Cherokee road Memphis Engagement A wed ling of much ordial interet cs will be that of Miss Penelope Prather Hardy of Louisville and Mr Intnk Phillips McEwen of Cincinnati for- merly of Nashville which will take place at o'clock Thursday night A at St Paull! Episcopal church The ceremony will be pe rformed by the cer Rev Francis Hardy uncle of the bride am-Meted by the Rev Royal cer rector of St Peul's church Tuk Mrs James Edward Hardy will matron of homm The bridesmaids will be Miss Cecile Robinson of Warne Fa Miss Emil) MoCampbell of New ork Mre Shepard Loman of Tam- pico Mexico Mrs Tryon Mengel Mrs (('rap liorschel and Mrs Newton Nichols Mr John Mcwn of Nashville will be hi -brother's best man and the groom smen will include William Hardr Sr and the following from Naehville: Messrs Harvey Ales- kson John Noel an ander Meredith Caldwell Harding Jacd Richard Nor- vel The ushers will be Messrs Jm aes Edward Hardy and Alexander i 82 mepxcoenr th emo will be llowed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents Mr and Mrs William Beyn nab Hardy on Cherokee road 60 A JI Memphis Engagement Little Marguerite Weiss Celebrates Birthday Mrs Terry entertained a number of children Friday evening trOM 7 to l) o'clock at her home on Second avenue south in celebration of the fourth birthday of her granddaughter Marguerite Belle Weiss Games and interesting contests were greatly enjoyed by the small guests Later ices and confections were eerved in the dining room which had been artietically decorated with quantities of The table decorations were of pink and yellow In the center was A cake with four burning candles ad from the chandelier were streamers of pink A large bowl of pink asters completed the decoration A number of gifts were received by the pretty little honoree Thome present were: Misses Elizabeth Brooks Gladys Evans Ruby Bussell Roble Buneell Williams Blanche Ridge Mary Ridge Nellie Ruth liaislip Louise Anderson Helen Horn Wauneda Horn Dorothy Pate Terry Lloyd Hainlip Patrick Andrews Harry Brooke Edward Evans Harry Gordon Edward Horn Mrs Terry was assisted in entertaineng by Mri Terry Mn Tune Mrs James Horn Miss Minnie Weiss Mts IL Baker and Mn John Anderson vti Miss Martin Entertains Tacky Party Little Marguerite Weiss Celebrates Birthday rs 0 Terry entertained a number of children Friday evening from 7 to il o'clock at her home on Second avenue south in celebration of the fourth birthday of her grand- daughter Marguerite Belle Weiss Games and interesting contests were greatly enjoyed by the small guests cenfections were Later i and co oierved in the (lining room which had been artietically decorated with mien- titles of floee The table decora- wr tions were of pink and yellow In the center was a cake with four burning candles and from the chande- lier were streamers of pink A large bowl of pink asters completed the decoration ecoraon A number of gifts were received by the pretty little honoree Those present were: Misies Eliza- beth Brooks Gladys Evans Ruby Russell Roble Bunoell Lmmetta Wil- llama Bla id nche Rge Mary Rid Ridge Nellie Ruth Ilaislip Louise Anderson Hel en orn NVauneda Horn Dorothr pato Terry Liolyd Haien!) Patrick ws Harry Brooks Edward Ev- Andre ans Harry Gordon Edward Horn Mrs' Terry was assis'ted in entertain- trig by Mn Terry Mrs I-1 Tune Mrs James Horn 'Miss Minnie Weiss 3Irs II Baker and Mn John A nderson ytt ot 4 Miss Martin Entertains With Ta i ky Party Year Round Zephyr Gingham guar anteed fast colors 49c New Percales every color New 14 Crepes every 29c 11 Color 4 'I Everfast Suiting 59c Year Round Zephyr Gingham a anteed fast colors 49c 9 Yd New Percale's every color 2---c every es Cre New Jan filiPalINI 0 uu'ul Everfast Suiting 59C Everfast Ginghams 65c Lovely New Figured Crepes 89c yd New rye Ila Flannels yard $189 Make stunning sport costumes and separate skirts They never shrink or fade White Vyella Flannel 9c yd $189 and hrink or fade White Vyella Flannel $175 Children's Black Ribbed Stockings special quality price SOc and 60c a pair Chi dren 's Iktinegsk RI bb St 1 inecial nualtv prric-e-5-0 -an-ad--6-0c pair HIGHJUMPING LIBERTY HORSE AERIALISTE'S PET Children's Derby Ribbed Sox all colors 50c and 60c a pair All sizes in every kind Lovely Comfort Materials Have Just Come In The Colors and Patterns Are Unusually Attractive New Comfort Sateens 50c yard New Jackonetts 39c yard New Cotton Cha Hies 25c yard If you are looking for a gift for a pride be sure and come here before mak a LI ebritot I I Cora rati'Dgadeda Since 1897 Children Derby Lovely Comfort Materials Have Just Come In pair RA lill sbizeeds Sinox gal cot IGHJUMPING IBERTY ors 50c and 60c a The Colors and Patterns Are Unusually Attractive HORSE AERIALISTE'S PET New Comfort Sateens 50c yard New Jackonetts 39c yard every kind New Cotton Challies 25c yard 1' 4 I 1 err II 1 If You are looking for a rift for a bride be sure and come here beforo Innic 4 onteens oc yarn 4tconetta yard JV HORSE AERIALISTE'S PET AII sizes in every kind I Pew omrorx New Cotton Challi sew ac es 25c yard ''1 i 11 If you are looking for a gift for a bride be sure and come here before mak s's' One lot slightly soiled Bed Spreads to close out for 13 Off Regular Prices 11 Wedding Presents! MO Writ for Samples Handkerchief Linens ing your choice China Mirrors Glass Lamps One lot slightly soiled Bed Unusual Pieces of Artware preadst -i Ao' 1 i 2 ing your choice ding China Mirrors sn' One lot slightly 1 i'' 4 A 1 Glass Lamps 1 soiled Bed Spreads '4 '''s Unusual Pieces of Artware to dose out for Presents rzlifil it I3 Off A s'4 Handkerchief i il -1 4 linens Write for Samples 0 2lia SS' Regular Prices 1 Anna -4 4 'IP ii' 0 1 -AP 7 11 '''-r gos' i' frJ''' 114: A 't 0 0010as-- of Mach Interest Here Mr and Mr Robert Lee Jordan of 1emphis announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Irwin to Mr Frank Marshaliglilliland son of Mr and Mrs Gilliland Miss Jordan has been a well-known and popular member of the younger set since her debut in 1920 and has spent the past few years in extentive travel and study She is a graduate of the National Cathedral School at Washington and was later a student at he Art Students League of New York City Since then she has studied in various New Yorkorivate studios and in 1922 spent thd entire year abroad in foreign studios Mr Gilliland Is a graduate of the lel school of Vanderbilt University Where he was a member of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity He served with the A during the war and attained the rank of captain He is the present president of the University Club of Memphis and is a prominent young attorney of the city The wedding will be an early October at St Johns Methodist church The announcement wilr be of much cordial interest in Nashville where on several occasions -Miss Jordan has kteen the popular guest of Miss Mildred Bond Jig OS 4 Miss 'Amin Jane Pan' and MrVIctor Williams and 3Irs I Parr of Locust Grove Oa announce the engagement of their daughter Annie Jane to Victor Williams of Nashville formerly of Jacksonville Fla The marriage will take place at an early date ach Interest Here of Mr and Mra Robert Lee Jordan of Memphis announce the engagement and ox haculhzi gialgient Intl al marriage oignen of mt hxtreirra nddia rixtiaanrhsk- Gilliland athivenlyi-okunnogwenr anMd set since her debut in 1920 and has spent the past few years in extentive ter Elizabeth Irwin to Mr Frank Marshallslilliland son of Mr and Mra Gilliland Miss Jordan has been a well-known and popular member of the younger school of Vanspent th entire year ti the travel and study She is a graduate of th National Cathedral School at Washington and was later a student at he Art Students League of New City Since then she has stu d- 0 1 various New York rhate stu- 1 sP and 10 i22 di abroad in foreign studios Mr Gilliland In a graduate of the les 'scderbilt Universityp frhere wae pa a member of the Ka Alpha Fraternity He served with the A during the war and attained the rank of captain He is the nres- ent president of the University Club of Memphis and is a 4wominent young attorney of the city The wedding will be an event-of early October at St Johns Methodit church The announcement will' be of much cordia intent 1 In shville where a on eevend occasions-Miss Jordan ham Mims Minnie Martin entertained with ft tacky party at her home 017 Third avenue south Friday evening The house 4 wait prettily decorated with bright fall flowers featuring a color scheme of green and red 'Ansa Elizabeth Peebles and Charles Lehnning Jr were awarded the prize for the tackiest dretesed couple The judges were Mrs A Duff Mrs Hicks and Mrs Booker Games and contests were the amueements of the evening and prizes were awarded to Miss Maudie Booker Miss Marie Vaughn and Stone Woods A delicious ice course was served In this hospitality the hostess was aseisted by her mother 3drs Ben Mattin Hicks and Mrs Booker Thore enjoying the hospitality of the evening were: Misses Mildred Burnett Sam Sellingman Queenie Criswell Katie Lanius Sue Bona Duff Elizabeth Peebles- Edna Baker Josephine Engel Maudie Booker Marie Vaughn Anna Mai Talbot Elirabeth Strott Evelyn Booker James Martin Charlie Lehnning Jr Robert Moore Daniel McAlpine Joe Ba4iee1 Robert Lee Hill Sloan AVoods We)oer Tully Jack Hicks Woodfin Ilarlow Charles Martin Booker Booker Mrs A Duff Mrs Booker Mrs 0 Duff Airs Minnte Baker and Mrs Martin 01 431 Mrs O'Conner Honoree of Surprise Shower avenue south Friday evening The A Mtalcmitsy1dpi anrtni aMtahrteirn house was prettily decorated with bright fail flowers featuring lor ng a co hee of ge and red scm ren Mies Elizabeth Peebles and Charles Ansm 04 iiiiii tmo vaa wssmagEU 11111 avenue south Friday evening The it tacky party at her home 017 Third house was prettily decorated with bright fall flowers featuring a color awarsehmeinside Elizagbreeetlin Ia3enedblersedSnd Charles Lehnningrtlertaewieerse darewmaergeedou prize fo pl: The judges were Mrs A Duff rs Hicks and Mrs Booker Games and co contests were the amuee- ments of the evening and prizes were ded to Miss 3 laudie Booker iss Marie Vaughn and Stone Woods A delicious ice course was served In this hoepitality the hostess was assist- ed by her mother Mrs Pan Mattin Mrs Hicks and Mrs Booker rhore enjoying the hospitality of tne evening were: Misses Mildred Burnett Sara Sellingman Queenie uriewell Retie Letting Sue Bona Duff Elizabeth Peebles Edna Baker Josephine Engel Maudie Booker Ma- rie aug Vhn Anna Talbot 1'' abeth Strott Evelyn it acnes Martin Charlie Lehnninir Jr Itobert 1 4 4 rc I I Dr Reginald Storiestrect Home was Wired for solo SaSordo1' Sept 6 1924 and a hid of 93850 was received' This bid can be raised at any Cm to-fore tho sale is confirmed by the court by application to tho offic of the Clerk and Master of tho Chancery Court third floor of dm courthouse Nashvillo Tenn For Further Information Apply te Lad a hid of any tima intuition to tho Court third 4W004r' 4iYi i4 4 l144 4 -4t 0 1 I 1 1s S' '4 -04 I -i ii 4'44-00 'PI 1 1 o-k I A 0 i''' if ki '1 11-1 l' 411- 4 i' Av-: :4 "4' rt rwe --r1LNC ty 4-At Ole 9r" 4 r4 i '710 1 4- 11 -w 6 ''''''''11-4: 14 1 0' '---1- 4a4144 imNa 4 44 sFz ri 0 1 r-! -4 5 I 5-I a 'y 1 si -7' 1 I -2: -1 7-- 0 4 3 -9'K' 71 I 4 z'' 1'0 14441tpo' 64 414 -4-4 4 -4 4 44 -4h N-1 '4 1 4- 4' AhlERICAN TRUS'r'Coh1PANY ANY Miss Virginia King and Brown Jr Many Maim 1612 Liner De Grasse and were transferred to La Savoie trt Walker Williams and children Churchill and Charles of Evanston are the guests of Mrs William Morgan of the Granny White road 4 4 Mr and Mrs Sam Mayes spent the week-end a ith Ler parents Mr and Mrs Booth of Clarksville 4- Niro Lirzle Knowles has returned to Duties Tex after a vialt to friends and relatives la and this city 4- 4 4- Mrs John Shacklett and son John Davis have gone to join Mr Shacklett in Chattanooga where they will make their home Mr and Mrs Daley and daughter Irma Lee spent the week end 110 the city Mr Batey having come Ito preach at the Waverly-Belmont Christian church Mrs Smith and little daus-h tor ha tell are visiting her uncle 1r Smelcer of Greeneville and her aunt Mrs Kirk of Mrs' O'Conner was the hon oree of a delightful surprise miscellaneous shower Saturday evening at her hothe Pail Caldwell avenue The affair was arranged by her brothers and sister hi celebration of her birthdar Many lovely gifts were presented to the honoree A musical program was an interesting feature of the evening Delicious refreshments were served Those present were: Mrs A Spickard A WI Spickard Jr and A Spickard III 31r and Mrs A White and son A Jr Mr and Mn Den White and daughter Mimi Mary Jane White Mr and Mill White Mr and Mrs A White Mrs Howington and daughter Mille White Jr Mrs Sadie O'Conner Beealeyand daughter Ea telle Mrs Oardtor of Georgia Mrs gteve Holland John Henry Jamea and Miss Lucy Newsotn today for her home In Indianapolis Mrs Chenoweth is en route from a stay at Chatauqua and Mon-treat 4 4- 4 Dr and Mrs MePhoeters Glasgow and Children have returned from a stay at Ocean Grove and a visit to Mr and Mrs William Glasgow at their home near Philadelphia It 0 Mira Sophonisba Ntgesheimeri who went to Reading a a week ago for a month's visit to her family1 has been in New York since Wednesday called by the death Of Miss Marla Thompson Daviess 1 Ire Eugene Shannon has returned from a two Months' stay at Beersheba and is at the Homestead 4 lilies Dolly Smith has returned from a three months stay in North Carolina She first attended a 13lue Ridge conference and then spett some time at Lake Tosaway En route home she spent several day in Asheville Mre Hortense MacDonald of Paris France who recently suffered painful injuries in an aecident is now convalescent Mrs MacDonald formerly a well known newspaper woman Of Nashville and Chattanooga is Paris representative of the United States steamship linesThe Lookout -0 Mr Isadore Hirshberg and his sister Mrs Dora Hirshberg are at Red Boiling Springs 41 4b ah 4 Call ED Jin litEl7All TI 21211-409 Church St Wizen You Need Plumbing Heating or Electrical Work I A In LEEttAll 109 Church St ed Plumbing Electrical week-end with 31r and ittrs Henry Shots Jr -a Rev Callum has returned from visa to relatives at Pond Creek Miss Luella Lovell has returned from St -Louis where she was the guest of Mr and Mrs Clyde Lovell Ellsa Parrish has gone to Franklin to spend few dap with relatives A marriage of much sincere Interest to many friends is that of Miss Vir ginia King and Mr Brown Jr which was quietly solemnized in the study of the officiating minister Rev1 Armistead in Franklin pastor Cumberland Presbyterian church The bride is the attractive and only daughter of Mr and Mrs King and doritig her brief young ladyhood has endeared herself to a wide circle of friends The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Drown and in connected with the Fourth First National Bank Mr and Mrs Reid C(Ar lette were the only attendants Mr and Mrs Brown will Make their home for the present with the bride's parent on Stratton avenue 114 uS Miss Helen Armstrong and Mr William Smith Finney end Fleming Themes of Co tr Thomas of Co "Rocket" is the bridleless wonder and pet of the eleven hundred people with Sells-Floto circus coming to Nashville Wednesday September 10 for "Rocket" is a free running riderless high jumper clearing a six-foot hurdle without apparent effort and he can be seen In the padroom of the big show nosing about for concealedsweets in pockets when Mayme Ward world's only mid air woman double somersauleer happens not to be 'on the spot But let Mayme appear and "Rocket" has only one aim in following her around Of course Mayme never forgets the horse and whether dining in a downtown cafe or in the Sells-Floto perfectly good "cookhouse" she always purloins sugar for the pet high jumper "Rocket" heads the largest lofty equine leaping display in spangleland and he is one of the ninety performing horses under the big top There are over four hundred horses with Sells-Ploto this season for with the dozens of added performing wild animal cages in the enlarged street parade one hundred and forty extra pick of the culled from the reserve paddocks at Peru Ind "Rocket" is the people with Solls4 tember 10 for "11 clearing csix-foot In the padroom of in pockets when I somersauleer happi and "Rocket" has Of course Mayme downtown cafe or always purloins su largest lofty equin the ninety perfori four hundred hors( of added performil one hundred and culled from the re "Rocket" is the bridleless wonder and pet of the eleven hundred ts ot So-Sew Club Meets hiles Joste Wright entertained at tuncheon Tuesday at her homh onthe Boyd road Covers were laid fat fifteen entertained at her homts onthe svers were laid for TRANKLIN Elder and Mrs Murray of Nashville have announced the engagement of their daughter Alma Fay to Mr John Henry Crivens of Franklin Park Cotton entertained at dinner Friday in honor of his sisters Mrs will Pearson and Mrs Kimbrough of Scooba Miss The guests Were: Mrs Pryor lAille Mrs McDaniel Mrs VI Pritchard Mrs Eggleston Mrs Millington of Nashville and Miss Cordell Pearson Advice to Girls Advice II Mrs Wiggs and daughters are the guesto of her mother Mrs Edmonston of Gleason 4 Mrs John Haynes and daughters Virginia Anna acid Martha Love of Shreveport La passed through the city en route to Smyrna to visit ber parents Mr and Mrs Tom Smith They will return later to the city for a visit to relatives 4 Mrs A Conatter and daughter Miss Clara Belle of Lebanon are the guests of another daughter Mrs ley Watkins of Lawrence avenue Mrs Jam Smith is the guest of relatives in Sinpvia 4 Mr It tul Mrs Freeman have returned from a visit to relatives at Lebanon and Murfreesboro 4 Mills Lucy Floyd has gone to Lake aunaluska to be the guest of the Rev and Mrs Bennett se Dr Jame' Winn bas gone Crli a trip to Chicago Miss Elizabeth Ballow left Saturday on the Pan-American for Birmingham others she will be the guest of her nephew and niece Mr and Mrs Guilford Morris for several days Miss Lena Trimble is visiting Mrs Mary Giles Howard and bliss Margaret Giles on Lookout mountain By ANNIE LAVKIE ENIIMMOMMPAMOefl By ANNUM The announcement of the marriage of Miss Helen Fulton Armstrong daughter of Mr and Mrs George Armstrong to Mr William Tecumseh Smith is of much interest to their numeroue friends The wedding was quietly solemnised Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the manse of Moore Memorial church with Dr Wallace pastor as of iciant Mrs Smith ht a former student of Peabody College and a prospective student of Vanderbilt dental school where she will begin work this fall Mr Smith now aesistant obser0er for the United States weather bureau of thia city has recently been admitted to the Tennessee bar and will practice in Nashville After a brief northern motor trip Mr and Mrs Smith will be located at 503 Hayes street JO 11 17 i i a 1 0 I- 1 I I i 1 i Mrs Smith came to Nashville from Chattanooga a few days ago to visit her mother Mrs A Parrish and join Mr Smith for an extended trip through Alabama Mississippi and Florida Miss Nancy Brandon entertained twenty-four of her school friends Thursday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Craig Blythe Grigsby and William Thurman won the prises in contests that were held Miss Brandon was assisted by Mr and Mrs Craig Mrs Farrell Buford entertained In formally at luncheon last Friday in honor of Miss Lelia Page of Roanoke Va who has been spending her vacation with her parents Mr and Mn Fred Page Seated with Mn Buford and Miss Page were Miss Ruth Page Mica Florence Kennedy and Mrs Arch Smith Mrti Freeman was hostess of the So-Sew Club Friday afternoon at her home on Kline avenue The president Mn Wiggs presided over the busineme and Mrs Freeman ivas appointed librarian An intereating feature of the afteroon was a contest in hand-made towels in which the prize was awarded jo Huck low Several new members were present and a charming feature of the aftesnoon was the musical seJections rendered by Mrs A Cori-nor Thoe present were Mn John Wills Mrs Wright' Mn A Freeman Mrs Clara Wilke Ifrs A Courtney' Mn Elizabeth Allison Mn Mucknow Mn Leslie Albert Whitley The' visitors were: Mn A Daniels and Mrs Robert Day Delicious refreshments were served The hostess was sasisted In entertain ing by her daughter Miss bilarY Agnes 'Fseeman 51 Je $1 Mr: and Mrs McCord Entertain With Hay Ride Mr and Mrs McCord entertained a party of young people with a hay ride on Saturday evening The party rode to Hendersonville where a tire wait built and a picnic lunch was Those who enjoyed the occasion were Miss Clara Parmar Miss Cora 1Dean Mime Pauline McCord Miss Margaret Farrar Miss Lillian Scan' Miss Lucile Ray Miss Loreen Me Cord Miss Katherine Maytleld Miss Nina Holt Thomas Lanier IL Fragile Thomas Glenn Robert Keel ing Harry Kenning William Robyne and Gordon Roache eth 11 Beatty-Vories 41 "te: If your parents object to the youg matt there must be something wrong with him It is very unwise and deceitful to do things without your parents knowledge Doubtful: You might by skilfully lending the conversation to the topic which interests you diecover how the gentleman feels on the eubject- II you continue the friendship I am sure some situation will arise which will leave you in no doubt as to his true feeling's itroken-Rearted: You cannot expect your friend to be declaring hie love for wou every minute of the day If you have no definite reason to doubt his love do not be alarmed beeause sometimes he seems more Interested than at others He nay be subject to etoode as most of Its ere but by all means cultivate other friends It will meke you a much broader and more interesting woman Lonely Ate: if Ye to the you-g matt th thing wrong with hit wise and deceitful to out your parents kt Doubtful: You lending the converse which interests you gentleman feels on tt continuo the friend some situation will leave you in no dou fooling's 8roken-Restrte4 s-1 your friend to be i for wou every rninui you have no definits his love do not be sometimes be seems than at others lit to moods as most all means cultivate will make you a a more interesting tv 4 4 a date with a different young man tv1 erv night in the week In our opinion we don't act any different than they do Another thing most young men scent to loom their interext for a girl If she doesn't eater to kissing the very first time he takes her home Possibly this is why we loose out on a lot of dates We are out for a good time We dance swim play tennie and in feet are good all the way around weihave plenty of friends but they don't seem to care to auk us for dates possibly because we don't care for kisming We have been out with older young men who have really treated us won (Imlay but they also have the kiss In habit and tell us we are old-fashioned anti think it queer that we don't care about kissing Wk wish you wouttl let us know If It has come to where you setaliy ought to kiss every young man whether you care for him or not If that is the case I expect we are rather funny 4 TWO BLACK-EYED BUSANS 1 Two Black-Eyed Susan': Kissing Is not the inevitable corollary of dating Attract by your own personality and (harm Do not resort to a chest!) tweetlicejhat la indulged in by girls who hnve nothing better to offer than a pair of pretty lips Ward off Ismillathy in a tactful way Do not be too prudish Provide enough entertainment in your conversation and cheerfulness of manner and you'r etiline friends will find you interesting enough to call again and like you all the better because you do remain aloof from their advances Mn Joe Thompson and children Joseph Jr and Alice Broun have gone to Knoxville for a visit to Mrs Thompson Mother and sister Mrs Henry Fonds and Misses Alice and Dorothy k'onde Mrs Theo Kennedy and little daughter have returned to Birmingham after visit to relatives here They were accompanied by Miss Angie Sue Critchlow of Nashville is the guest of relatives Imre Mrs Walker and children have returned from a visit to Williammort Mr Ed Truett and Mrs Annie Church have returned from Los Angeles where they attended the florists' conventionMrs Guy Clarke and children have returned to Rumeliville Ky after a visit to Mrs A thrdon Miss Bessie Blackburn of Columbia is the guest of Mr Tom StanievMrs I Crutchfield of Nashville spent Sunday with her eister Mrs Johnnie IlaughMrs Craton and Mies Rebecca Henry of Holliston Texas are guests of Mr and Mrs Craig Mrs Maggie Carl Hardinon Mrs John Watkins and children of Llamo Texas are guests of relatives at Hillsboro Miss Mary Kinnard spent the week-entl at Bethesda with friendsMiss Evie Malone has returned to her home in Goodlettsville after a visit to Miss Meg and Mrs John Nolen and -Shelly Garner of Nashville were guests Sunday of Mr and Mre Wallace Smith Mrs Penn and Mrs Pearl Williams Kelly of Nashville were guests last week of Mrs Rosa Seward Miss Margaret Jordan has returned to Nashville after a visit to Miss Annie Maury Mrs Annie Williamson and daughter have returned to Murfreesboro after a visit to Mrs I Jordan Miss Ann Armistead has returned from a visit to relatives in LawrenceburgMr and Mrs Albert liarshall and children are visiting relElves in Shady Grove Ark Mr and Mrs Roy Green of Columbia were guests last week of Mrs Bertha Idea-Mrs Lillie Conner has returned from a visit to relatives in Smyrna Misses Geneva Maury and Mary Parr Denton and Mr and Mrs Goulding Trouadale were guests of Mr and Mrs Rogers Caldwell of Nashville on a boat trip TuesdayDr and Mrs Hearn Bradley and Mr and Mrs Hugh Dallas of Nashville were guests last week of Dr and Mrs Polk Miss India Jones has been the guest of Mrs Andrew Mizell and Mrs Andrew Mizell Jr at BrentwoodMe and Mrs House have returned from Wequetonsing Mich tnedy and little trned to Birmingto relatives here tied by Miss Angie ritchlow of Nash-of relatives here and children have It to Williamsport Mrs Annie Church om Los Angeles the florists con-Clarke and Oilo Rumeliville Ky re A thrdon trn of Colutnbits is tom StanlevMrs tf Nashville spent ster Mn Johnnie Craton and Mies touaton Texas ars Mrs Crate ardinon Mrs John of Llamo Texas Lives at Hillsboro spent the week-enti rriendsMica Evie id to her home in a visit to Miss snd Mrs John No-flier of Nashville of Itir and Mrs I IV Penn and is Kelly of Naahlast week of Mrs 1 Margaret Jordan hville after a visit "Mrs Annie Wil ter have returned ter a visit to Mrs Ann Armistead botm sit to relatives in and Mrs Albert en are visiting relDWI ArkMr and st Columbia were Mrs Bertha Ileanner has returned atives in Smyrna rx and Mary Parr nd Mrs Goulding mots of Mr and Pll of Nashville on ayDr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Hugh were guests last Mrs Polk lal been the guest and Mrs An- A BrentwoodMe use have returned Mich Mrs Alfred Fugitt Jr was bootees of the Young Matron a Card Club Wed nesday afternoon Auction was played at four tables and a few additional guests Were present Misses Mildred and rtosabel Lunn entertained with a lawn party Friday evening at their home About twenty five guests were Present Mr and Mn Paskette left Wednefiday for Jacksonville Fla and Palm Beach from where they will take tho steamer to New York City They will later go to Hartford Conn and to Albany by way of New York City They will make stops at Lake George Lake Champagne and Montreal and will attend the Travelers Insurance Convention at ()ye-bee returning home via Niagara Falls Miss Virginia Simpson Is the guest of her uncle the Rev Simpson of Monteagle 4- 4 Mrs McKinney and Mies Anna Holly or Dickson were recent visitors in the city 41111MM Pear Annie lAurie We are two girls twenty-four years of age and have tome to you for advice We are both flattered quite a bit bY older men as being "good looking anti attractive and even by the younger men but still they don't seem to have a "taking" to us They seem afraid and set as It they thought wed turn them down if they asked us for a date of course we go around with a few friends but noir-like some of our girl friends who seem to be able to have Dear Annie lAUT glue twenty-four have tome to you to We are both flat by older men as be anti' attractive an younger men but stl to have a "taking" I afraid and act as if turn them down if a date of course we go I friends but noirliks friends who seem Savage-Cantrell Marriage Quietly Solemnized The marriage of Mite Blanche Lo rena Cantrell and Mr Emile Savage Was quietly solemnized at 2 o'clock at the manse of theSecond Presbyterian church the pastor Dr A Alien officiating Mr end Mrs are located at 1323 Second avenue north '41 Derryberry-Min ton Wedding of Interest The marriage of Mrs Charlotte I)ilItas Derryberry of Murfreesboro end Mr Richard Minton was quietly solemnized' Saturday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the home of the grooms father in the Lindley apartments The Rev Wright pastor of the Carroll-street Methodist church was the offielant The bride is the datighft ter of the Rev Pulllas' Coker-McCoy Marriage Announced 'r Mrs 3 McCoy announces thi 1 marriage- of her daughter Margaret to Lieut Battey Coker The -certmony-wat solemnized Satur- day Sept 1 41 Miss Mclure and Miss Drake Entertain 1111SS IIICIATE ana Mtu Drake Entertai oie Mies' Anne Frances Morris will go to Tate Springs to Join her parents Mr and Mrs Morris and brother John 13 who have been spending some time there Mr and Mrs rord of New Orleans are at the Hermitage hotel for a few days en route home from NeW York 4 4 4 Mr and Mn Reese and little son rord have returned from Chicago to complete their visit to Mr Reese's parents before going to their home In New Orleans 4- -le 4 Mr and Mrs Marshall Roth and little son of Chattanooga spent the week-end with their parents here etr route to California on his vacation trip and they will stop in St Louis and other places le 4 4 Mrs Jack Annbrome bag returned from a Neveral weeks viglt to reitx tives in St Louis Cedar Rapids Iowa and Marriage Announce The many friends in Tennessee and other states will be interested in the announcement of the recent marriage of Mr Robert Beatty of Memphis! and Nashville tO Miss Marjorie Vories of Kentucky Mr Beattyt who for the pant two years has been with the Georgia University of Technology tots a broader field now In becoming A secretary for the entire state of Tennessee Ile and his bride have both made Nashville their home and as they go they carry with them the good wishes of their numerous friends Mrs A Hill and daughters Lillian Ashby and Mary Boma have returned to Knoxville after a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Pella Ashby of 1111 Eighth avenue south 4- 4 Mrs Edgar Peebles has returned from a visit to relatives in Cleveland Ohio and Toronto Canada 4 Miss Carrie Reuther and elPee Miss Anna Margaret Reuther have re turned from a several weeks' visit to relatives in Louisville Mr and Mrs Murray Hogan and daughters Frances and Jeanne and Mrs Hogan's sister Miss Lottie Leitenherger have returned from a motor trip to Birmingham 4 4 Robert Pehr and Henry Rah linger have returned from a six weeks trip which included Mexico the Canadian Rockies Yellowstone park and tenberger have returned from a otor krin te Birmingham Ala Robert Irehr and Henry Dablineer have returned from a six weeks' trip whkb included Mexico the Canadian Rockies Yellowstone park and Call- it11111111 1 IPI 4-- "Iiiii 0 itT 1 1 1)(zy I CLEAtJ iticx CHAMBER OF COMERCE -7 BOARD WILL MEET COMERCE WILL MEET Mrs Bernard Campbell entertained Informally at tea Thursday afternoon for Mrs Samuel Mo(lio'hon formerly of Franklin Mrs Campbell was es-misted by Mrs Perkins and Mrs Guo 'ding Tmusdalo Miss Sophia Fitts entertained at luncheon Wednesday in honor of Mrs McGlohon The guests were especial friends of the honoree Misses Edna Porter Maury and Frances German were hostenses of a party at Willow Plunge Monday The chaperones were Mrs Chapman Anderson Itirs Dan German and Mrs Maury The guests were Misses Mary James Crockett Sara Nolen Ann McGann Jennie Anderson Virginia Hughes and Martha Beech Alley Miss Annie Kennedy entertained It luncheon last Friday at her home Seated with Mies Kennedy were Mrs John Donk of Tellahasse Fla Mrs Harold Osgood of St Louis Mrs Theodore Kennedy of Birmingham and Miss Angle Crouch Mr and Mrs Oscar Shannon enter tained Thursday evening at dinner to celebrate the ninth birthday of their grandson Fleming Burns six of whose especial friends were present 1 Grayson entertained at luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs Read of Atlanta Mrs Grayson's gueote besides Mrs Read were: Mrs IL Crockett Mrs Eggleston Mrs Tom Tansil Mrs A Pitts Mrs Hoof Mrs Liggett etnd Mrs Mary tanner Mr and Mrs Jonas Amite had as their guests' at litcheon Sunday Mr and Mrs Finney Jim saw Lewis Ise JUI e-- le s-roticti Mr and Mrs Oscar Shannon enter- tabled Thursday evening at dinner to celebrate the ninth birthday of their grandson Fleming Burns six of Whose especial friends were present Mrs Grayson entertained at luncheon Thursday in honor of Mn Read of Atlanta Mrs Gray- son's gueste besides Mrs Read were: Mrs Crockett Mrs Eggles- ton Mrs Tom Tanen Mrs A 'itts Mrs Hoof Mrs lif Lilggett nd Mrs Mary Renner Mr and Mrs Jonas Amite had a their guests at hicheon Sunday Mr and Mrs Finney Jim and Lewis The monthly meeting et the bottvl eting of the board of gmInlout of the Chamber of Com mere will be held Thursday right Dinner at :30 o'clock will precede the 'business session ot govemort or xno unameer or corn- fierce will be held Thursday night IMnner at 8:30 o'clock will precede the 'business session 1 Chamber of Corn- I Thursday right sck will precede the Mrs Annie Bass and daughter Gertrude have returned to ther home in Shelby Miss atter spending sev- eral weeks with Miss Gertrude Harrison at the Parkes apartment and Harrison Charlotte avenue Br and Mrs Infing Simons arrived In Nashville recently after a tour months' trip to Burope They were delayed due to trouble on the French in ShelbY Miss 'titer seendng i see- 'earri- eral weeks with Miss Grtrude Il von at the Parkes apartment and Harrison Charlotte avenue 4- 4 40 Dr and Mrs Irtang Simons arrived In Nashville recently after a four months' trip to Europe They were delayed due to trouble on the French Dear Annie Liurk I am a girl 21 years of age and have been married for six month My husband and I got along beautifully until yesterday While he was at work I had my hair bobbed anti he is fussing till now I am very unhappy and have other admirers Should 1 try and live with him un4 happily orgo on with the bunch that I always ran with at home? A POOR MARRIED WOMAN- Don't think for a moment of leaving your humband tor this petty reason Talk to him and tell him that he Is making you very unhappy about a mere trifle Marriage is a serious matter and not to be broken so lightly Remember the vows you made and take them morel to 'heart -u Pear Annie Laurie 1 am In my early twenties and am In love -with a Young man nine months younger than myself lie loves me sincerely and has proposed marriage Do you think it advisable to marry a' man younger than ourself? A LASSIE A Lassie: It is usually inadvisable to rnarrY a man who is younger than you are The difference may seem slight now but you know that women age faster than men and the time would comeWhen you would find yourself a worn middle-aged woman whit your husband waa still youllg and attractive (CoPyright Ap24 by Newspaper rea- tore Stirvice Inc) you very unhappy about a mere trifle arriage is a serious matter and not to be broken Remember the vows you so madlightlye and take them Tore to heart I twar Annie Laurie: I am my enes an am love with erie twtid If a Young man nine months younger still young Marriage Do you than myself He love me sincerely and hall Pronnsed think it advisable to marry a' man Younger than murself? A LASSIE A Lassie: It is usually inadvisable to marrY a man who is younger than you are The difference may seem hilt you know that women slight now age faster than men and the time wo uld comehen you would find your- spit a worn middle-aged woman while your hueband as and attractive (coyright 1824 by Newspaper Zee- ture StTvice Inc) WE maintain a standard of cleaning superiority that will stand the teat Our charges are reasonable' for quail ity wo kmanship and all forme or protected by our unqualified guar antes it Trial Will coariee40' Hope thy Cleam Co Zseldelve Cleaners Si Dyers Bruadway 7-01111-8618 rl Society for Over eighty years i Ms relied upon Cour ends Oriental Cream 1- to keep the skin and I complex ion in perfect condition through the stress of the season's activities White FleshRachel 4 Semi IN for Trial Site FM 10PLINS SON New Toric I I AJ Lucas Main 1180 All Grades of Con17-adv NIVhat is believed tobe the loudest noise ever made by man is reported to have deafened persons within a tonpUe raafus 4 Franco Miss Margaret Motors and Miss Ju Una Drake entertained about forty-five friends in a delightful manner at the home of Miss McLure Fourteenth street and Eastland avenue on Friday evening At a late hour a water melon feast was enored Announcements The Ladle? Auxiliary of the West Side Presbyterian church will net with Mrs Hoesch Tuesday ftI-- 110On at 3 o'cock Important business will be discussed The Parent-Teacher Associatlon of Rains school will hold the flrat meetinx of the fall Tuesday afternoon et 3:30 o'clock Mrs Knox pretp ident requests all members to be prete ent so plans will be made for the fall and winter work The Mother? Club of Stoke school will meet Tuesday afternoon at :00 oclock at the school house vit Brief Mention and MrsSam Stites and little son William of Henderson Ky will go to the 'Homestead Tuesday for a sterY of several weeks joining Mts John 11 Atchison and Miss Emma Atchison who are located there Mrs Blanche ChenoWeth who has' been the guest of Mrs itansout for 114 past vsoek will leavt: oreThm' at lojr quick eilersie with California Charles Pfeiffer ef Detinit Is hers having been called by the death et his fathers Fred Jtaohen of Birmingham is visiting relatives having come to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law Mr Pfeiffer 4- Miss Thelma Burg ess who was knocked down by an automobile a few days ago and painfully but not seriously injured is improving at her home on second avenue south Mrs :01 Hill has gone to 'Memphis to be with he son Randall who while vimiting his grandparents had to undergo a throat operation and Is quite 4es 411 Mr end Mrs Henry Rotes and lit-tie soh Frank have returned from butnerbet where thty 1141nt the 7 Ladies and Children Hair Cut25c i o' 1 7 it DAtilly Announcements sidThe Ladles' Auxiliary of the Weet Miss Margar et eter and Miss Ju Presbyterian church will meet lina Drake entertained about forty-nee Mrs friends in a delightful manner at the tic Tuesday a fter- with Roe noon at 8 o'cock in business home Mies McLur eourteenth ill be dicud a AMMO street and Eastland avenue on Pri- wssse tortilla of clean I day evening At a late hour a water Ladies and Children melon feast was enjoyed I Pent-Teacher Associati on Charls Pfeiffer of Datiolt is here beving been called by the death of his i I 1 meeting of the fall Tuefelay afternoon father a a arc' ing an- et 3:80 o'clock Knox pres- TA rred Hair Cut 25c perrity that will stand Societ1 Went requeets all members to be pres 'tertian of Birmingham Is yis- ent so plans will be made for the fall tang relatives having come to attend 1 I 1 i 't ore hroa lo the test Our charges it Wm recTierdeuighpotnYcLearent and winter works 11 4 A the funeral of hia brother-in-law Mr The Mothers' Club of "Stokes school i arke Pfeiffer 80 Arcade Upstairs era reasonable' for quail will meet Tuesday afternoon at 800 -Mar Fifth Avenue 4' ity workmanship and all spe to keep the kin and olock at the school house te Miss Thelma Burgess who was 4 and's Oriental Cream temepleatoistin petted 4 A 4 tor (pica knocked down by an automobile a few erms ern Protec gted condition throughths miler isle days ego and painfully but not seri- by our unqualified guar Gusty injured is improving a her 14 Brief Mention home on Second avenue south antes activities Whits mt end MrsSam Stites and little ir 1 Lobe be with her ann Randall who I I I I 1 1 1 l' with 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I I 1 pi 1 I rd I 0 I I 1 ole Trial Will Ceavinee 1 flw Tod sue la nilioot Henderson Ky will mestead Tuesday fora i Mrs Tlii Hill hike gone to Memphis il a 1 1 110 Pe Cleang Co Lucas Main 1180 FULT110PLINS a SON Nee Ye staY of severel week it All Grades of el- a Illm- ti- I I 1 0 rohluientivelegiotingg throat gr John It A I on nd Miss Emma dparents had hr at oapneration and Is Atchison who are located there 1 I II' I quite ill i I I I 1 II I 11 14t 1 I a I Li fr 1 c'i 11 I )1 1 i i el Exdelye Cleaners ilk DYers 1 1 I litill it III 11 1 I Ill I110 NiThet is believed to be the loudest -1''' 1228 Bruedway 1-0811-0618 hoise ever made by man is reported to nj -i- A- iir711171 122drbsertIlitahnechgeueEsi El '31Z' tRyo 11- Mr end Mee Henry and lit- )11 i 40' 'k 1111 11 NINEIN11111111 ast oek 1 mile rius in bare deafened persons within a ten- 0 1 I 1 ad Fance Ransom for the will lea -4 Ile soh Frank have retuined from botnerset hi witro Ulu tetnt tile e---- I 1 I Children i ut25c1.

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Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee? ›

The Nashville Banner is a defunct daily newspaper of Nashville, Tennessee, United States, which published from April 10, 1876 until February 20, 1998.

When did the Nashville Banner close? ›

The Nashville Banner was a daily run newspaper in Nashville, Tennessee. It served as an afternoon update in local and global news, running in publication from April 10, 1876 to February 20, 1998.

Who edited the Nashville Banner? ›

Steve Cavendish is the president and editor. A 30-year veteran of newspapers including the Chicago Tribune and The Washington Post, Steve returned to Nashville in 2011 and edited The City Paper, Washington City Paper and the Nashville Scene.

What is the name of the newspaper in Nashville, Tennessee? ›

The Tennessean: Nashville and Tennessee news, Titans sports.

What is the highway around Nashville Tennessee? ›

At a length of 7.64 miles (12.30 km), I-440 runs between I-40 and I-24, and connects to I-65 and multiple U.S. Routes. Combined, I-440 and Briley Parkway, a controlled-access segment of State Route 155 (SR 155), form a noncontiguous inner beltway around downtown Nashville.

When did they tear down Opryland? ›

On Dec. 31, 1997, Opryland closed its doors forever. It was ultimately razed by Gaylord Entertainment and turned into the multimillion-dollar Opry Mills shopping mall, a gargantuan shrine to capitalism.

What is the history of the Nashville banner? ›

History. The first edition of the Nashville Banner was published on April 10, 1876. It was begun as a voice for the railroads and other interests in comparison with other area papers of the time which tended to take the viewpoint of workers and unions. It was long controlled by the Stahlman family.

Who is the lady from the show Nashville? ›

The series stars Connie Britton as Rayna Jaymes, a legendary country music superstar whose stardom has begun to fade, and Hayden Panettiere as a rising younger star, Juliette Barnes.

Was Dolly Parton in Nashville? ›

She also recorded a single for a small Louisiana label, and one for Mercury Records in Nashville in 1962. Parton was not daunted by the lack of success of her early recordings, so in 1964 she packed her bags and left for Nashville immediately after graduating from high school.

Who owns the Nashville scene? ›

Bill Freeman is the owner of FW Publishing, the publishing company that produces the Nashville Scene, Nfocus, the Nashville Post and The News.

What county is Nashville, TN? ›

Nashville, city, capital (1843) of Tennessee, U.S., and seat (1784–1963) of Davidson county. Nashville lies on the Cumberland River in the north-central part of the state.

Does Nashville have a daily newspaper? ›

The Tennessean is a daily newspaper published in Nashville, Tenn.

Who owns Tennessean? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What is the famous street in Nashville? ›

Nothing exemplifies everything Nashville has to offer like Broadway Street. Running through the heart of downtown Nashville, Broadway Street is home to some of Nashville's best music, restaurants, and bars. To explore this area fully, you'll want to spend a few days in this increidlbe city.

Can you walk around Nashville? ›

With 70 miles of sidewalks and the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge connecting downtown to the east bank, walking is a safe and easy way to get around!

What is the famous curvy road in Tennessee? ›

Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap with 318 curves in 11 miles: America's number one motorcycle and sports car road. Designated US 129, the road is bordered by the Great Smoky Mountains and the Cherokee National Forest with no intersecting roads or driveways to hamper your travel.

When did the battle of Nashville end? ›

When did Starwood Amphitheater in Nashville close? ›

Starwood Amphitheatre
Broke groundNovember 11, 1985
OpenedJune 20, 1986
ClosedOctober 21, 2006
DemolishedSeptember 27, 2007
8 more rows

When were the Rockettes in Nashville? ›

21- Dec. 24 at the Grand Old Opry. The Radio City Rockettes are performing their final shows in Nashville this year from November 21 through December 24.


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.