10 THE SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1926. POSED BY JANET GAYNOR, 'Although Tommy. is adverse to having girls with him, he admits that as an assistant. MIldred is all right, and orders the girl to hold the reluctant billy goat while he pours medi-. cine down its reluctant throat.
To the ishment of his family, but to Tommy's compiete satisfaction, the ailing animal speedily recovers Its health, and demonstrates that it is petectly well, by chasing Grandma Spencer about. REPORTS ON DISPENSARY Association Secretary Presenta tember Activities to Directors. One hundred fifty-three elinica with an attendance of 1,877 persons were held 1 during September, according to the monthly report of the Children's Dispensary and Hospital association, presented. by'. the secretary.
at the board of directors' meeting this morning in the hospital. Nine operations were performed: three X-rays given; 10 pattents sent to hospitals; 126 new patients registered; 267 home visits made; 83 miscellaneous visits, and 696 quarts milk furnished gratis. The annual tea of the association: will be held Tuesday, Nov. 30, in the dispensary home, with W. E.
Miller as the general chaliman. Mrs. Christman will assist Mrs. Sintered Mrs. H.
E. Dalton has been named chairman of the refreshments committee: Mrs. Christman of the publicity; Mrs. Thad M. Talcott, and Mrs.
Owen Davies, of the program; Mrk. George, M. Studebaker, decoration; Mrs. Charles Wondries, nominating committee of new board members, and Mrs. Davies, invitations.
Meat Market is Sold. Announcement was made to-day of the sale of the meat market at 430 North Main street, conducted by Charles Brennfleck for the last three years, to R. R. Swanson, represent ing Jet White chain of stores. LOCAL STATISTICS.
MARRIAGE LICENSES. John W. Renaberger, 111 North St. Peter street, and Mildred Vivian Berteh, 929. Greenlawn' 'avenue.
Fred Eddy; 1002 John street, -Mishawaka, and Loretta Mauch, Indiana avenue, Mishawaka. Fines Brann and Adelaide Manuel, both of Niles, Mich, BIRTHS. ROWKER-Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bowker, 811 Leland avenue, son, Nov.
1. DIVORCE CASES FILED, South WORKING- Mra. Gladys ME. Working, 629 32d street, against Fred 0. Working; circult court; and inhuman treatment: married eight yeara: plaintiff aska custody of only calld.
WALLACE Wallace. 614 West DIvision street; against Mrs. Mury Wallace: superior court No. 2: cruelty and threatening his life: married one year. SCHMIDT- Mrs.
Dolores M. Schmidt, 426 State street. Mishawaka, against Kenneth Schmidt: superior court No, 2: cruelty. GORNY- Anna 1203 Du ham street, against Alex Gorny: cruel and -Inhuman treatment: married Ave years; asks custody of two children. DEATHS.
JOHNSTON- John Clifford Johnston, inge 40, Jackson, Nov. 9, Jackson. Funeral, Nov. 11, 9 a. St.
Joseph's Ro-man Catholle church. M'CARTNEY- James J. McCartney, 88, of 112 East Jefferson boulevard, Nov. residence, Funeral. Nov.
12, 9 8t. Joseph's Roman Catholic church. PERMITS TO. MOTE. M.
J. 707 West Chilvert street, to 1709 West Indiana avenue. J. A. Martin, 719 East Ohio street, to 822 George avenue, Will Butler, 1506 South Chapin street, to 732 South scott street.
Laura Walus. 320 South William -treet, to rural route No. box 7. South Bend. Francis.
Wattay, 2602. Linden avenue, to 1609 Kenwood avenue. Carl Marks. 127 North Francis street, to 216 Stover court. John Durchey, 1913.
Ford street, to 617 Phillippa street. James H. Branstrator, 940 Oakland avenue, to Lagrange, Ind. Mrs. Paul Pride, 823- Turnock street, to 1928 North Johnson street.
317 Lincoln Way East, box 74 at $:18 Nov. 9, Slick's Laundry Dry Cleaning' company, drying machine overheated igniting clothing, central station. COUNTY RECORDS. Nov. 9-Deede, 26: mortgages, mechattel mortgages.
44: miscellaneous, 10; total, 108; marginal releases, 20. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS. Western Union-Mrs: Mary, Mills, 17. Oliver street; Charles A. Carrel, 260 sociates building.
In the matter of the petition of Charles Sheffler of Union township to construct drain. Notice hereby given, that from this date until the 37th day of November, at eleven o'clock the undersigned, construction commissioner to whom has been assigned ths construction of the drain described In the report of the county surveyor In said matter, will receive bids for the construction of said drain at the office of the county surveyor, nt the house, In the elty of South Bend, county of St. Joseph and state of Indiana. The report of the county surveyor, proAle; plans and specifications are on file and may, be seen at the said office of the county surveyor. Said contract will be let to the lowest and best bidder, but the right is reserved to reject any and all bids, and to let the work as whole or sub-divide It and let the same in.
separate contracts Any son to whom contract is let, will be required to enter into written contract and give bond in amount with surety to be approved by the construction er. for the performance of the and shall deposit cash or certified check with bid. for not less than two per cent of the amount of his bid, upon condition that he will enter into such contract and furnish such bond within ten days thereafter, it such work shall awarded to him, and upon failure to do no, said. deposit shall be forfeited to the undersigned. Dated this 9th day of November, 1926.
P. R. GILLIN, Construction Commiasioner, Miller Guy, Attorney for Petitioners) 1t 10, 1926. SNOW BLANKETS CITY. Mercury Reaches Minimum of 28 grees in South Bend.
South Bend awoke this morning to find a blanket of snow covering the ground; the first of the season. Large flakes fell throughout the day. The mercury took a considerable tumble, reaching a minimum of .28 degrees for the 24-hour period ending at noon to-day. About two inch 8. of snow had fallen in South Bend.
by noon, and dications at that time were that several more would be added by to-morrow morning. The mercury hit its lowest mark, 28, at 8 o'clock this morning, remaining at that point untIl 11 o'clock, by which time it had gained one degree: The maximum temperature reported was at o'clock. Tuesday afternoon. GIRL IS RELEASED. Young Woman Who Tried to End Life Able to Leave.
Hospital, Marie Zitter, age 19, Chicago girl, who took tincture of iodine with suicidal Intent Monday night because she could not get along with her sister with whom she lived, was discharged late yesterday afternoon from Epworth hospital. Previously interviewed by detectives the girl said came to South Bend: from Chicago: Monday for the sole purpose of killing herself. She denied the truth of rumors that she had been kidnaped by one or two men and brought here. She said the men who brought her to the hospital Monday night were total strangers to her. PREPARES FOR SALE.
County Anti- Tuberculosis League Starts Work on Seals. The St. Joseph County Tuberculosis league de preparing for the annual Christmas, seal sale, executive acording secretary, to Miss The assistance of Camp Fire girls has been procured to help. In the work. Those assisting are Helen With Heldeman, Mildred Norris, Florence Weber, Lorraine Kinyon, Helen Paulson, Helen Slaybaugh and Eleanor Johnson.
Mishawaka Boy Scouts are doing their bit at the Mishawaka, office. ROTARIANS HEAR NORTON Armistice Program is Presented Weekly George Norton, of Nappance, major in the second division. during the world war, addressed the members of the club at their luncheon in the Oliver hotel to-day. Maj. Norton graphically described the advance of the Americans Into battle at Chateau Thierry, Bellau woods and Soisson.
He praised the difficult fents of the medical corps. In. closing he paid a high tribute to the brave men who will never leave the soil- of France. ADDRESSES RADIO MEN. C.
L. Smith Speaks Before Members of Fort C. L. Smith, president of the Diamond Radio Manufacturers, 526 Niles avenue, addressed the salesmen of the Guerrier Radio corporation, Wort Wayne, at a meeting of the salesmen held last night in the Hotel LaSalle, H. J.
Tweed, territorial sales ager of the Diamond T. Radio Manufacturers, also addressed the Guerrier salesmen. EXPECT MANY DELEGATES County Young People Will Confer Saturday, About 200 delegates will attend the St. Joseph Couny Young People's conference next Saturday afternoon and evening. at the First Christian church.
delegates to the conterence are limited to two members from the young people's division of each church and two leaders. from each church. The conference will be- featured by Institutes. for the young people. and their lenders and will end with Banquet.
ANNUAL SUPPER PLANNED Rev. F. K. Dougherty, Marion, Will Speaker at Grace Church Event. Rev.
F. K. Dougherty, of Marion. will be the speaker at the 14th annual rabbit supper to be given Friday evening. Nov.
19, at. 7 o'clock in the Grace Methodist Episcopal church. The event is sponsored. by the Men's league of the church. Tickets are in charge of W.
J. Rudarchie will secretary be of furnished the by the organization: ELECTION FEES READY. Auditor Prepared to Pay Off and the sheriff $6. William P. Furey to Sing.
tors, Judges, Clerks and Sheriff, County Auditor Clarence Sedgwick announced this morning that election fees for inspectors, Judges rand clerks at the voting poles in the recent election are: now ready at his office. Inspectors have $12 each awaiting them, judges and clerRs, $9 William P. Furey, well known local vocalist, will sing to-night at the River Park Episcopal church as feature of the program sponsored by the Fellowship class of that Sunday school. -Try Tribune classified Y. W.
C. A. NEWS. Mrs. Q.
R. South was in charge of the weekly meeting of the Business Women's Bible' class held Tuesday evening in the Y. W. C. A.
Because of the Methodist Episcopal conference in- South Bend next week, the class will not hold a regular meeting. Members of the business and industrial girls' department. of the Y. W. C.
A. will hold their weekly supper and classes Thursday evening at 6:15 o'clock in the buildIng. The foreign committee of the as, sociation residence, will meet Lafayette in the Y. W. boulevard C.
and Bartlett street, Thursday evening. THE MIDNIGHT KISS. the goat, Tommy Determined to elixir in wholesale pigs upon which as a laboratory. father for $250 goat has greeted cally he outlines ordering him from his dad, who, in the family soup "Tommy, I would financially now that the entire mine is due, and to defeat him. let you have INSTRUCTION.
FACT 171. OUR STATE LICENSED EMP. AGENCY fils the best business positions with our graduates and those placing pre pilestion with oR. THE THOMAS SCHOOL LICENSED EMP. AGENCY.
Mich- Wash. M. 2906. SITUATIONS. HAVE YOU work of any kind for young married woman.
with high school education? Call M. 4392-J, MAN. 32 yrs. of age, wishes position with well. organized South Rend Arm.
Have had 10 yrs. selling experience. Can qualify as advertising representative, Address all communication to Box 975, Tribune. POSITION wanted by middle aged woman AR housekeeper. Competent to take charge.
Best reference. Mrs. Fannie Bleasdale, New Ind. phone 3412. WANTED--Stenographic position, by experienced young lady.
Box 767, Tribune, YOUNG man, white, age 27, single, wishes position as chauffeur, good driver any car. Can go any place any time. anywhere. W. Besonson, 903 Christyann Mishawaka.
YOUNG man wishes position as chauffeur. Five years experience. Henry Williams, 1822 8. Catalpa. WANTED TO RENT.
HAVE a large list clients wishing to rent houses in all parts of the city. If ycu have any house you wish to rent quick, or call M. W. Harner, 218 Monroe cor, Michigan and Monroe. Phone La 2461.
WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, CASH paid for men's used or cast off sults and overcoats. What have you to offer. Sam Weiss, S. Michigan St. Main 0738-J.
NEW BOOK STORE. New books, 'old rare books. 127 S. Lafayette. 3 door's from Bus Station.
Visit us. Books bought. BOOKS WANTED I will pay three dollars each for 10 coples more of Argaunauts of F. D. Warner.
New Carlisle, Ind. WANT to borrow for 5 years, $3200. Will give first mortgage on home at reasonable rate of interest. Call Lincoln 8854. FOR RENT.
APARTMENTS- FURNISHED. 2 AND ROOM apartment, $15 to $22 per. 3 blocks to Division 8t. bus. 3 blocks to Washington St.
car. 210 Citizens Bank Bide. -Lin. 5716. NEW.
atractive, strictly modern, furnished private bath and entrance. Call L. 9154. FOR RENT- TwO five-rpom at 1015 Portage Ave. All modern.
Wilt rent furnished or Stout Reyher, Rooms 9-10, Odd Fellows Bldg. Phone 1703. 3 FURNISHED rooms. centrally located, heat furnished. Call Main between 2 and 4 p.
m. and after 6 p. m. HUG APTS. room furnished 5.36 8.
Main, modern in every respect, steam heat, JanItor service. Inquire corner Cigar Store. APARTMENTS -UNFURNISHED. ALL. modern 4-room built In features: garage It desired: splendid tion.
M. 2947. Evenings, L. 2065. CENTRAL, A four unfurnished dat, separate entrance.
partly mod. Upstairs. Adult couple only 123 Monroe. APTS. 617 WASHINGTON AVE.
PHONE LINCOLN 6719 AGENTS ON PREMISES. FIVE ROOM complete in every detall, hardwood floors throughout. gas range. kitchen cabinet. refrigerator, soft water system, laundry, vapor heat.
La 1786. Evenings L. 5668. FOR RENT--One of the Eastman At 330 S. St.
6 rooms and bath, attic and porch, 2nd floor. Phone La 5293. FOR RENT-5 room, all modern apt. 203 Sycamore. Inquire 705 N.
HI1. FOR RENT-5 room apartment, all modern, 2014 'S Franklin St. Call L. 1343 evenings L. 5901.
FOR RENT-Six room apartment, modern except heat, S. Mich. St. Inquire Broadway Pharmacy, cor. Mich, and Brond way.
MODERN steam heat, flat above the drug store at 407 Chapin St. Very desirable for office and residence combined. Rent $50. See Kovach Kish, Chapin State Bank Bide. NEW TRIMORE, 807 W.
COLFAX. An exceptionally desirable room anorti ment. Call. T. P.
Moredock, Line. 1468. 6 ROOM apartment, vapor heat, shower. sun parlor. beautifully finished.
713 E. Jefferson Bid. 6 ROOM flat, all modern, newly decorated at 323 N. Notre Dame. Inquire next door.
Phone L. 1482. BUSINESS PROPERTIES, FOR -Part or halt of store to genial party, Heat, iight and phone; sonable rent. La 6432-, or S. gan St.
FOR -Second floor in rear of 123 124. 126 and 128 North Main street. formerly occupied by The able for storage. light manufacturing or ether purposes: possession at once. quire at Tribune business office.
FOR RENT- Store, 715 E. Jett. $75. Store, 1019 E. Madison $40.00.
PERCY R. Realtor. 213 So. Lafayette Lin. FOR RENT-Store room.
1500 block Portage good for drug store or ware store or any other 1343. purpose, long lease, cheap rent. L. Evenings, La 5901. FOR RENT- Two-story brick bullding.
block ent of Michigan. 119 E. Washington Ave. Lincoln 6346. 8500 SQUARE FEET ELKHART'S MAIN STREET BUSINESS DISTRICT FRONTAGE.
5000 square feet suitable for light manufacturing or offices. 3500 square feet annex, ideal for storhas freight elevator. HEAT FURNISHED. This will rent immediately. Call Elkhart 1808, or Lincoln 2999, or address 230 Jackson Elkhart.
STORE FOR RENT- Steam heated, good for any business, very reasonable rent, just around the corner of Michigan on Monroe St. Inquire 217 Monroe Bids. STOREROOM for rent at 422 8. Michigan. Call Lincoln 8645 or 5028.
POSED BY RICHARD WALLING, Greatly 18 of the opinion quantities, and His grandmother, her upon fits the kitchen The world, with SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Copy for short classified must In the Tribune office not later than noon for Insertion same day, cept that. copy for Saturday Insertion must be received by tor Sunday by 9 p. m. Saturday.
Correction of errors In classified must be made before the second Insertion. No allowance will be made for more one Incorrect insertion. Advertisers may have addressed to them in care of The Tribune. Classifled adverttsem*nta not accepted over telephone are these: Household goods. situations wanted, card of thanks and moriam, wanted to rent houses and rooms.
CASH RATES For Classified Ads. Words Lines 1 Day 3 Days 7 Days To 18 .36 1.96 1.27 2.63 25 30 00 .59 1.59 36 1.90 6.25 1.06 2.85 5.90 56 60 1.17 3.16 6.55 ANNOUNCEMENTS. LOST AND FOUND. TO LOSERS When you advertise a lost article In The Tribune your advertisem*nt receives the benefit of free listing In The Tribune Service for a period of 60 days. Such service facilitates the recovery of lost articles.
Advertise. TO FINDERS If you have found anything and cannot locate the owner through the "lost and ads. In to-day's Tribune, call and gO through and Found" file at the une Classified Department. LOST- -Baby's baptismal certificate, confirmation certificate between Rural Guarantee and Loan Bank and Woolworth's 5. A and 10 Cent Store.
Call L. 7389. LOST Beagle hound dog. white with brown spots. chain and collar attached.
410. R. Main. -Police dog. whith large collar, swers to name -of Tut.
Reward. Schook. Miah. 2112. LOST -Small gold arrow pin, name "Gall Moss' engraved.
M. 0721.. LOST, strayed or stolen, six months out German police dog: female; light tain with black 'markings; ans. to name 6t 825 reward for any information leading to her recovery. L.
G. McGrue. New Carlisle, Ind. PERSONALS. WILL write- club" papers on any subject.
Address Box: 774, Tribune BUSINESS SERVICE. AUTO TRANSFER AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF warehouse, for furniture storage, also equipped with steam ed piano room and special rug and trunk room. Woodworth's Storage and Transter 409-11 8. 8t.
Joseph. Main 0774. DICK'S Moving Transter. Londa to and from Detroit. Chicago and spoils at reduced Large 5790.
dust and weather proof -vane. Lincoln NATIONAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO. FIREPROOF For storing furniture. Special rooms it desired. Phone L.
204-R4. South Bend, Ind. CLEANING OF WINDOWS AND HOUSE. It pays to deal. with a reliable concerti.
We carry compensation and public liability Insurance for our and your protection. We clean anything, also do paintIng and decorating, wax floors. with electrie waxer. Most reasonable prices. SOUTH BEND WINDOW CLEANING CO.
$13 S. Mich. St. Lincoln 6134 GRADING and sodding. Harison 108-R-14.
FEATHER BEDS made into mattresses and comforters. 8. Williamson. 1240 Miami 8t. Lincoln $302.
Work called for and delivered, LADIES' furs remodeled Into latest styles. Fur conte cleaned, reglazed, relined, repaired: horse and cattle hides tanned and manufactured into coats robe. Pride list free. Logansport Robe Tanning Co, 581 High Logansport, Ind. WANTED Case of piles I can not cure.
Report In person at Hotel Mishawaka on Thursday, 1 p. m. to 8 p. m. Dr.
Wells. rectal specialist. WE MAKE lawns. do grading and sodding. draw plans and make ornamental plantings, do spraying.
trim and repair trees. En Lincoln 2092. WE MAKE new: and clean shades, mity description, with our new procesa, Our work is guaranteed. We also clean rugs and carpets, SOUTH REND WINDO SHADE CLEANING CO. 606 La Porte Ave.
Stain 0844 WINDOW cleaning, house cleaning. Best of service at very reasonable priced. All work guaranteed. Reliable Window CleanIng. Shade Decorating Co.
Lin. 6776. 582 So. Mich. St.
CLEANING AND REPAIRING. CESSPOOLS rauita, cisterns and chim neya cleaned. Hauling rubbish and all kinda of Sob work. Call Harrison FOOT SPECIALISTS. DR L.
K. BUNCH--DR. MARIE CONNOR Podiatrists (Foot Ailments) Hours 9-12, 2-6 p. m. 411 J.
8 South Bend. PAINTING AND PAPERING ALL MY WALL decorating. pupering. painting and floor work guaranteed. Best materials furnished Fred Trumble.
N. Scott. 1. 2205 after 5 p. m.
EUGENE M. WEEKS INTERIOR DECORATOR, PAPER HANGING PLASTIC DECORATING. PHONE Main 1679, 328 So. Lafayette ESTIMATES FURNISHED, elated by the success of his treatment that it is time to manufacture his takes over the kitchen of his resenting the manner in which recovery, belittles Tommy's efforts, when he begins to mix his chemicals budding chemist is quite convinced by the exception of Mildred is in a conspiracy PIANO TUNING. for 28 years piano tuner 8t.
Mary's College and Academy, 1138 Cleveland Ave. L. 1032. WANTED. FEMALE HELP.
A- No. 1 and waterwaver. good conditions, and money, The. Shop, Three Rivers Mich. COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework.
Call 7264 or 2424 Miami St. EXPERIENCED maids wanted at the Morningside Club. 413 W. Colfax Ave. EXPERINNCED saleslauy for drapery department.
Apply 9 to 11 or to 5 at the Employment Office, -5th floor, Robertson Bros, EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. J. C. Claeva Candy Factory, 311 Niles Ave. ANTED---A lady 30 years of age.
$25. Call in person at the Seaton Studio, 8. Mich. St. WANTED -An elderly woman to do housework and help with children.
202 Strathmore St. Mishawaka. Phone Mish. 1576-W. WANTED--Capable woman as housekeeper in family of three adults.
229 E. varro 8t. WANTED- Experienced woman for starching. in the laundry dept. Wilson W.
Sample 8A WANTED--Cashier with bookkeeping perience. Palace' Cafe. 203 N. Mich. WANTED for general housework, white girl, with some experience, references renutred.
M. 0516. ANTED--Girls that want to learn a good trade. Nice clean work. Diamond Radio, 526 Niles Ave.
WANTED--Maid for general housework adults. good wages. 201 Conservative Life Ride. or call M. 0572.
WANTED- Young girl for general work, Hungarian or Polish preferred. Phone Main 3424-J. MALE HELP. COLLECTOR. With light car to collect Installment accounts In South Bend and surrounding towns Experience not necessary.
Must be steady, alert and active. Salary $21, bonus, commission and car allowance. Permanent position with old established corporation. Opportunity for advancement if you qualify. Reply In confidence giving Cull particulars of.
yourself including age, nattonality, experience, education, married or single, number of children, references, reason for leaving last position, make and year of car, telephone number, etc, dress Rox 779. Tribune. MEN WANTED. AIR PILOTS IN DEMAND Learn In South Rend. Real opportunity for a few men who wish to break Into commercial aviation under register U.
8. pilots. Flyers and mechanies trained. Free employment service for members, Here is the chance of a lite time. Quick action necessary.
Give ago, phone, etc. No experience necessary. Write Mr. J. R.
Stiles, Chief Pilot, care Oliver Hotel, South Bend, Ind. POSITION with old line life insurance company. We are taking on two more reilable men. Experience not necessary as we trains you thoroughly at our expense. References required.
See Mr. Marsh, 124 Associates between 1 and 2 p. m. "THE HOOVER CO." Can use a man In sales department. Call 1 at 212 1 Poledor Bldg.
WANTED-A carpenter. Apply 225 80, Walnut 8t. WANTED- A man with $500 for down payment on a truck. Can assure him of stendy' work all winter. Call L.
1612. -A man 30 years of age. $30. Call in person at the Seaton Studio, S. Mich.
St. WANTED -Experienced shoe salesmen for Saturdays Apply Lloyd's, Shoe Dept. WANTED-Handy man. Bring 526 your Niles. tools.
Diamond Radio Mfg. Ave. WANTED--2 salesmen to help me with my customers. Anply 512 S. Michigan.
WANTED--Young men to learn radio bullding. We can take on about 20 more at this time. Diamond Radio MIRT8. 526 Niles Ave. WILL pick four men to do light sampling.
Main See and Mr. Division, Lindsey, 7:30 Thursday mornat Auburn Garage, Ing. MALE OR FEMALE. -ATTENTION. We can use 60 men and women who want to make money by worktheir spare time.
This work t8 Ing something that will appeal to any few hours to spare each week for intelligent man or woman who has a which they will be paid well. No canvassing or selling. Those wishIng to enter into 430 this Associates business Build- will call at Room. Wednesday evening, Nov. 10.
1926, at 7:30 p. m. NEAT appearing reliable men and women to act as local sales managers in South Bend and Mishawaka. See District ager, Robertson Hotel, Thursday, to m. SALESMEN AND AGENTS.
WANTED-: salesmen, with age to front 25, per- sonality married, and loose tongue, Only the best preferably need apply at the Bremen, R. L. C. ask Indiana for Motor Ray Dise, Corp. L.
Cook. SCHOOLS INSTRUCTION, ATTEND NIGHT. 'SCHOOL and Increase your salary: or prepare for advancement in the feld of business. For Information call Main 0551 or call at the South Bend Business College. corner Michigan and Monroe streets BARBERS wanted in every town.
Always a position open, We train you In a few weeks for this clean and profitable Columbia work. Tanner' Barber College, 122 E. St. Fort Wayne, Ind. EVERY Monday in enrollment day at the South Bend Business College.
Telephone Main 0551 for free catalog. have a laboratory of his own and some True love, in the form to try his elixir, Tommy asks his forsaken the youth, for she can. Mildred outlines to finance his enterprise. Enthusiastiand her love for: him to the possibilities of the proposition to the boy in an effort after hearing him through, solemnly says: finance the elixir, with be very glad to aid you, but I am speedily make a fortune embarrassed at this time. A large note of every one approached I fear that I cannot pay it, much less and refuses to loan money for your experiment." GARAGES.
FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED GARAGE for rent. Centrally located, proof. P. Moredock. 315 W.
Ave, GARAGE stall for rent at W. Call Main. 0842.. Ask for Mr. Mott.
fire- MODERN six room house, Colfax close to Studebaker. 0122 120 E. Tutt St. MOVE IN at once. rooms, Colfax.
bus and Studelakers. newly $40 per month. Ine. 607 E. HALLS.
NORTH part. modern. House, L. 720 N. rooms, 5086.
NORTHWEST-9 room, all THIRD door of Tribune Building for rent. close in, suitable for roomers, Suitable for dance, lectures, etc. Apply may be sublet fo; light housekeeping. Business office South Bend Tribune. eu're 2102 Miami St.
OAK STREET. 930-A sceven for rent, $30. HOUSES--FURNISHED. HOME REALTY CO. 216 8.
Lafayette St. T.in. A FIVE room furnished bungalow. all OAK STREET. 730-A seven modern.
Rent month. 521 E. for rent, $30. Howard St. Inquire 1026 Lawrence St.
HOME REALTY CO. A FURNISHED on Louis 216. 8. Lafayette St. Lin.
house St. one- block from car line. Not all 4 ROOMS and Lath, furnace modern but reasonable rent. Call at 210 ern on paved street. $38 a E.
Ewing, or telephone 1. 8073 children. Call 212 S. Lafayette. 6 ROOM, modern, furnistied house, excel- 5 ROOMS and garage, newly lent location, with or without double modern, $39 per gArAge.
706 8. Carroll. Lawndale Ave. Immediate 6 ROOMS all modern, suburban home, at ply 1340 L. Way West.
South Bend Country Club. Will. rent fur- 6-ROOM house, all modern. nished, $40 per mo. W.
E. Kaylor Son, close in, on paved close 202 Pythian Bldg. M. 0558. per mo.
Call M. 2274 -J or 6-ROOM flat, partly modern. WE WILL share our all modern home, month. Call Lincoln 6102 or rent free, with reliable young married couple, in exchange for the woman's care 6 ROOM house, strictly modern, of my 7 year old girl after school hours. street, southeast part of Call 1559 or Mishawaka 2122-J after 7 M.
2999, o'clock. ROOM house with garage, able Call 1488. HOUSES -UNFURNISHED. SIX NOUN MUDAR, Located in River Park. A BEAUTIFUL HOME.
House is practically new. Semi- type, r. and bath, large lot. This house is not FRANK JEFFERIES. strictly hardwood floors, large liv- 412 J.
M. S. ing room, 3 bedrooms. with extra large Bldg. closets, pantry with bulft in cupboards, SIX room cottage, modern double basem*nt: only bik from car line Close in.
320 S. William and park, Citz. Bk. Bldg. L.
2043 or A. Walz. Harrison 3-R-11. 6785. UNFURNISHED five room ALL MODERN home for rent.
6 rooms, modern, one block from car southeast, between two car lines. ed street. $6 per week. Call M. 1954-M.
207 BROADWAY-7 room A MODERN 8-room house. Exclusive res- block from Idential section; 4 bedrooms 2-car ranged for 2 families. Main tage. 1017 E. Washington.
Call M. 2736-3. A NICE home in good location, six rooms, in Navarre Place, 1211 N. Lafayette. IvOFFICES.
ory Anish, hardwood floors, rage: hot water heat; $65 per month. Call FOR RENT -Private office. 6997. ception roum and stenographer AN ROOM house, 303 S. Lafayette.
610 Shariend RIdE room house, 304 S. Lafayette. An FOR RENT-Office suite, room house, $13 W. Wayne. Rents reason- modern, in the Monroe able right party.
Tel. Mar-Main, reasonable rent. call 217 Monroe Apt. 2-8, Call after 5 p. m.
MODERN house for rent, with A PRACTICALLY new Dre roum, small age, sultable for doctor bungalow, strictly modern, only 3 blocks good location. Inq. 725: W. from Mar- Main Apts. Inquire 209 M.
0429. Marion St. A 5 ROOM house, all modern. Inquire ROOMS FURNISHED-HOUSEKEEPING. 2601 S.
Michigan St. A 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 1218 Clover A CLEAN two $35. Call M. 4396-M.
or M. 0:45. second rom desirable. apartment, St. floor, very 5-ROOM and bath all modern upper man Ave.
duplex located northeast. Immedinte A COUPLE employed. wanted; possession. Call Mr. Brooks, Main 0676; be- couple to share home.
Box tween 7 and 9 a. or 13 to 2 p. -m. une. ARRANGED for two families.
Modern A FURNISHED nousekeeping room, bath, extra LINX, lavatory, 448 car Associates ga- per week. S. Michigan rage. East 3162. Dayton.
Pant Anderson Electric Shop, Bide. M. SEVEN 3 AND ROOM nicely room home located on North for housekeeping, neat, Notre Dame Ave. Desirable neighbor- entrance, close in. 510 W.
hood. House in good condition Rent $36 per mo. Also 6 room home In River Park AT 821 Clinton St. 3 modern near car line on 26th St. Rent $38 per keeping rooms, everything LERNER.
Private bath and entrance. 203 Clt. Bank Bldg. Main 0601. to small child.
A STRICTLY modern 9 room house, CLINTON 720. Two newly papered and decocated. 514 8. Mich. home.
light housekeping rooms St. Inquire 228 S. Michigan. Private entrance, CLOSE in modern house at 621 L. W.
E. COMPLETELY furnished Inquire 609 or 625 L. W. E. until Satur- heat, light, gas, telephone, $9.
day. Rent reasonable. er renuired. sewing 813 Park and machine, L. EIGHT room house house, for all modern; 107-113 also five 415 EAST BROADWAY.
room rent, at Garst cor Mich. St. Call L. 1905 or room fight housekeeping L. 8515, location on car and bus line; furnished: young counte FOR RENT--Five room house: double garage, large lot; southwest part of city; 828 E.
WASHINGTON. 2 walking distance Studebaker or Oliver and 2 light housekeeping factories, $23 per month; or will sell on FOR RENT-2 furnished very easy terms. La 1872. Syndicate floor. Also garage.
217 Ohio 406 Union Trust FOR RENT--Modern clean FOR RENT-Modern 9 c. house, 2 car ga- everything furnisned; phone; rage at 825 E. Wash. Inq. Dr.
R. B. trange; garage. On car line. Dugdale.
1051 Portage Ave FOR RENT--Move in at once, modern 2 FRONT light housekeeping square type, rooms and bath, $35. ern: also garage. Call M. E. Irvington.
Ina. 802 E. Fairview. N. Allen St.
FOR or sale, modern, 8 room house, HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2 tile, vestibule lavatory and bath, laun- ed, well equipped rooms in dry, garage. 140 E. Indiana Ave. Ref- 606 E. Wenger.
erence renuired. Call L. 1708. FOR RENT-6 room modern bungalow, 3 LARGE rooms for L. H.
VanBuren paved street, $38.50 thing furnished. 915 month. L. 5035. 3 MODERN housekeeping VOR RENT Newly decorated Marietta St.
Private modern house. Has fireplace and sleep- only. ing porch. 973 Riverside drive. 1796.
MODERN 2 rooms and Garage if FOR RENT--Nine room house, located at lot. sponsible 943. couple. Emerson ner 424 Lamonte Terrace, modern conveniences, newly decorated. Call L.
1711. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, light housekeeping, adults FOR RENT--Partly modern six room Lincoln 5046. house at 1803 South Fellow St. Good bus service. Main 1561-J.
or Lin- 3 NICELY furnished rooms coln 5967. housekeeping, with garage, per week. Call W. FOR RENT- room house, all modern, $50 per mo. at 633.
N. Lafayette. In- 226 N. TAYLOR. Mod.
quire at 625 N. Lafayette. for light housekeeping. nrivate entrance. Adults FOR RENT-6 room, all modern house.
1900 block on E. Ewing. $40. 8 room THREE rooms. with private modern house, 1400 block Portage thing furnished, close to $55.
6 room -house $50. Call I.ne; two beds. 225 S. L. 1343.
Evenings L. -5901. TWO downstairs rooms FOR RENT- -6 room modern house in good housekeeping, $7. Also condition with garage, tn S. E.
part of stairs, $6.50. Modern except city. good neighborhood. Call 404 W. La- Main.
Saile Ave. TWO modern rooms completely FOR RENT-5 rooms, strictly modern, close to center; adults newly decorated, $45 per mo. Inquire also garage, 721 N. Cushing 125 N. Francis.
M. 2340. TWO large furnished light or FOR RENT--SIx room strictly modern rooms, hot and cold water, bungalow. double garage. northwest part leges, 119 La Porte' Ave.
of city, good location, 6r will sell equity Tv.O modern light on very easy terms; excellent opportunity furnished complete, with to make start on getting your own home: Also garage. Call L. 2786, 406 pay Union rent. Trust Bidg. Syndicate VERY pleasant well.
heated like 1872. FOR RENT-4 room modern house, ideal Inquire bath 333 apte, So. Mich. furnished for location. References required.
Call at 210 8. Lafayette Blvd WELL heated, modern, close FOR RENT-6 rooms, strictly modern, 567 and Lincoln bath, 'Way furnished East. for semi-bungalow, on E. Dayton corner Call Main 2999. FOR RENT- To adults.
References required. 510 North Joseph St. blocks north on North Mish. one block east on East. Marion St.
Inquire next door. FOR RENT to adults, or will sell 5 rooms, modern hungalow. 929 Lawndale Ave. FOR RENT- 6 rooms all modern duplex, fireplace, 3 611 E. Mishawaka ave.
$36. Apply 801 Le West. Mishawaka. IMMEDIATE possession. Just completed, 1401 E.
Ewing ave. New Colonial home, bedrooms, bath, large living room, ing room, hot air heat, onl floors. double garage. Rent $65. Call Lincoln 3674.0 IN RIVER PARK.
als room modern house. First block south of Mishawaka Ave and near public school. House is practically new, This property la for rent, not for sale. FRANK JEFFERIES, Realtor 413 J. M.
8. Bide LAWNDALE 736. Nine room and bath. Garage. Modern.
After Nov. 20. 2206 L. W. WEST.
5 room modern home and garage, Excellent Jocation. Main 1647. of Mildred's devotion, has not she aids Tommy in every way her faith in Tommy's future her father, and later goes with to locate some person who will which the lad feels that he can and pay his father's debt. But thinks the matter a great joke, them any money, be continued.) HOUSES. with garage, E.
Tutt St. modern, near decorated Kensev St. Scott St. modern house, all rooms In- -room house 1478 or 1217 room house 1478 or 1217 neat, all modonth. decorated.
month. 655 possession. ApStore. 2-car garage, to car. $45 Mish.
1847. $20 Main 4573. on paved city. Call very reason- HOUSE. near school.
Double garage. for sale. Realtor except furnace. St. All La Route house, semiline on pavL.
9829. all modern Studebakers, ar1647. sharing Call at also desk, all building. very Bldg. office frontor dentist, in Indiana, first and 1011 Sher- a married 772.
Trib- room, $6 rear furnished clean, private Colfax. light housefurnished. No objection clean. warm In modern Adults. kitchenette electric wash- References 9942.
Pleasant twosuite. Select everything preferred. sleeping rooms rooms. rooms, ground St. 8051.
2-room private enReasonable. rooms, mod5077 or 1019 nicely arrangmodern home. $10, everyCarroll. rooms, 702 entrance. Adults kitchenette for redesired.
Cor- furnished for only. Call for light rent $8.50 2-room furnished Hot water heat, only. Rent $9. bath, everyschool and carWalnut St: furnished for light 2 rooms upheat. .533 S.
furnished; only; $8 week; St. housekeeping laundry priv- housekeening rooms, private porch. 1410 L. W. West.
2-room and housekeeping. in, two rooms housekeeping. ROOMS FURNISHED WITHOUT BOARD FOR RENT-Pleasant sleeping room for one op two gentlemen, 5 biks from center. Call evenings. L.
6586. LARGE sleeping room suitable for one or tivo people employed. Breakfast if desired, or kitchen privileges. 817 Portage Ave. MODERN sleeping room, E.
suitable W. for or private home. 711 East. 5913 eveninnes. MODERN sleeping room for tub bath.
3- blks from Oliver Hotel. 0503-J. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 2 young men, new. all modern home, bike from business district. Tel.
Bath, laundry, car line. Adults. 1839 Miami. L. 8965.
NDA Wu unturnisned rooms. 8. William St. For information Call I. 1796.
FOR Unfurnished sleeping- rooms. 208-210 N. Alain. Inquire 122 8. Jeffer.
son St. CHEAP. Owner leaving town. Phone. Mish.
2480-R. FOR SALE. AUTOMOBILES. Again. we OUR BUSINESS IS GOOD, and again we ask HOW 1S YOURS? Sales of our one priced, right priced, used cars are many because our many friends and customers see the real honest value we are offering for so tittle money.
ASK ANY CUSTOMER OF OURS about the value. he received. He will tell you only one thing--IT WILL PAY YOU TO PAY US A 1925. Chevrolet Sedan $550 1925 Chevrolet Coach 475 1925 Chevrolet Touring 295 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 495 1925 Ford Coupe 275 1923 Ford Roadster 75 1923 Ford Touring 75 1922 Ford Coupe 50 1923 Ford Coupe 100 1924 Chevrolet Touring 125 1923 Chevrolet Roadster 135 1923 Chevrolet Touring 100 1923 Chevrolet Sedan 200 1924 Durant: Touring 175 USED CAR DEPARTMENT BEISTLE AUTO SALES 333 's. Lafayette Blvd.
Evenings, Open Sundays. Phone Main 0816. CARS ANI TRUCKS. 8 Open and Closed. No Brokerage.
No Finance Charge. No Insurance. MEDOW AUTO SALES W. East. L.
5454. MEDOW MOTOR SALES Lafayette Blvd. L. 5946. 1926 NASH (2 noor Sedan.
Car is equipped with bumpers, spare tire motormeter, bar cap, automatic. windshield wiper and carries our new car guarantee. See this before you buy. SOUTH BEND NASH CO. 101 Lincoln Way East Lincoln 6096.
1927 AUBURN COUPE CHEAP. Owner leaving town. Phone. Mish. 2480-R.
PONTIAC. 1926 Coupe. This car is equipped -it. bumpers front and rear, ext a tire and lot of other extras. Car.
just like new. (all us for demonstration. No obligation If car does SOUTH BEND NASH MOTOR CO. 101 Lincoln Way East. Lincoln 6096.
FOR SALE by owner. 1924 Ford. roadster with box, in very good running order. $75. 1921 Ford sedan, good shape.
1924 Ford touring. Terms. Portage. BUICK. GLASS ENCLOSURES.
Although touring cars equipped with Glass Enclosures are not called Sedans, many consider them just as comfortable. Then, too, they can be bought for only a fraction of the cost of a Sedan We are fortunate at this time in having a very good selection of touring cars already equipped with Glass Enclosures. Here are few of them. DURANT- This 1995 model, four cylinder, touring car can be purchased for less money than ordinarily asked for cars. It has 8 Glass Enclosure.
FRANKLIN- While It's not a late model touring, it sure runs nice and. It is equipped with wire wheels as well as a Glass CHEVROLETIt's a 1924 Touring which is far abore the average '24. The pains, tires, upholstering and mechanism are all good. It also has a Glass Enclosure. NASH- It would be foolish to spend more money when you can get this 1982 six cylinder touring car for.
80 stall amount of money. Sure it has Glass Enclosute, VISIT OUR DISPLAY PO-DAT. TWENTIETH CENTURY GARAGE Used Car Display Corner Division and Mrin Sta..